Article 4. Civil Service System  

Appendix 1341. Purposes.
Appendix 1342. Commission members.
§ 1342-1. Compensation.
§ 1342-2. Restriction.
§ 1342-3. Records.
§ 1342-4. Report.
§ 1342-5. Removal.
Appendix 1343. Disqualification of commissioners.
Appendix 1344. Law officer.
Appendix 1345. Duties of the civil service commission—Board of review and appeals.
§ 1345-1. Rules.
§ 1345-1.1. Duties of the County Executive.
§ 1345-1.2. Board of Supervisors.
§ 1345-1.3. Hearings of the Civil Service Commission.
§ 1345-1.4. Written rules.
§ 1345-1.4.1. The classification of positions in the County civil service.
§ 1345-1.4.2. The public advertisement of examinations.
§ 1345-1.4.3. Examinations to test the relative fitness of the applications for positions in the classified service of the County.
§ 1345-1.4.4. The establishment of employment lists, including eligible lists created as a result of competitive, non-competitive and promotional examinations, and reserve lists of laid-off employees.
§ 1345-1.4.5. A record of all examinations (written, oral or practical) which shows the basis of rating.
§ 1345-1.4.6. The certification of the names and addresses of at least three (3) persons on the highest standing or standings on the appropriate eligible lists.
§ 1345-1.4.7. Vacancies in the classified service are to be filled by promotion whenever practicable, except that whenever three (3) or less eligible employees file applications for a promotional examination, or whenever three (3) or less employees in a department are eligible for a promotion to a position in that department, the appointing authority may, upon written justification and approval of the Personnel Director, nominate an employee for promotion, or the appointing authority, in his discretion, may call for a departmental, county service-wide or open examination. In the event of a disapproval as to any nomination, the appointing authority may appeal directly to the Commission.
§ 1345-1.4.8. Minimum standards and qualifications to be met by all applicants for positions in the classified service.
§ 1345-1.4.9. A probationary period of six (6) months for every position except:
§ 1345-1.4.10. Provisional appointments without examination to existing positions in the classified civil service.
§ 1345-1.4.11. The appointing authority may dismiss, demote, suspend or demote and suspend any probationary employee during the probationary period. Neither the Commission nor the Grievance Committee shall hold a hearing on any such disciplinary action taken against any probationary employee.
§ 1345-1.4.12. Permanent status after completion of the probationary period by any person in the classified service, subject to dismissal for cause.
§ 1345-1.4.13. The tenure of office during good behavior of a person who attained permanent status in the classified service subject to removal, demotion, suspension and demotion, and suspension for any of the following causes:
§ 1345- Fraud in securing appointment, incompetency, inefficiency, inexcusable neglect of duty, physical or mental disability, insubordination, dishonesty, drunkenness on duty, intemperance, addiction to the use of narcotics or habit-forming drugs, inexcusable absence without leave, conviction of a felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, immorality, discourteous treatment of the public or other employees, improper political activity in violation of Sections 1351 and 1351-1 of this Code, willful disobedience, violation of any provision of this Article, any other failure of good behavior or any other act which is incompatible with or inimical to the public service.
§ 1345-1.4.14. Transfer, including transfer from a public agency other than the County, without examination if the individual has achieved employment in another public agency in a qualifying class as a result of a qualified or competitive personnel merit system; leave of absence; promotion; demotion; suspension; dismissal; resignation; layoff; reinstatement; and a performance record system.
§ 1345-1.4.15. A preferential credit of 5% of the maximum grade possible in any competitive civil service examination to any person or employee taking the examination who is a veteran as defined in Section 18973 of the Government Code. No preferential credit shall be given in promotional examinations.
§ 1345-1.4.16. Additional matters as may be necessary to provide for the administration of the classified civil service system.
§ 1345-2. Repealed by Ord. 2602—7/11/72
§ 1345-3. Grievance procedure.
Appendix 1346. Quorum.
Appendix 1347. Classified service.
§ 1347-1. Officers elected by the people.
§ 1347-2. The Assistant District Attorney, the Chief Deputy District Attorney and the Chief Investigator of the District Attorney.
§ 1347-3. No more than two (2) confidential or special investigators to be designated by the Sheriff. The Undersheriff. The Executive Commander.
§ 1347-4. Appointed boards and commissions.
§ 1347-5. The Law Library Trustees and employees.
§ 1347-6. Members of the County Board of Education.
§ 1347-7. Employees of the Superintendent of Schools whose salaries are paid wholly from County School service funds of the State.
§ 1347-8. Persons serving the County without compensation.
§ 1347-9. Physicians and dentists employed at the County Hospital.
§ 1347-10. Casual patient and inmate employees of county institutions.
§ 1347-11. Any casual work position or trainee positions exempted by the County Executive.
§ 1347-12. The County Executive.
§ 1347-13. Director-Public Works.
§ 1347-14. Superior Court Secretaries. The Jury Commissioner.
§ 1347-15. Supervisors' Field Deputies.
§ 1347-16. Rehabilitation Trainee.
§ 1347-17. Supervisors' Secretaries.
§ 1347-18. Juvenile Court Referee.
§ 1347-19. Traffic Hearing Officer.
§ 1347-20. Assistant Assessor.
§ 1347-21. Director-Area Agency on Aging.
§ 1347-22. County Fire Chief and Deputy Chief-Fire Services.
§ 1347-23. County Counsel and Chief Assistant County Counsel.
§ 1347-24. Assistant County Auditor.
§ 1347-25. Court Executive Officer.
§ 1347-26. Deputy County Executive-Finance and Budgets.
§ 1347-27. Director-Information Systems and Assistant Director -Information Systems.
§ 1347-28. Deputy County Executive-Personnel.
§ 1347-29. Director-Corrections Services Agency.
§ 1347-30. Director-Environmental Resources Agency.
§ 1347-31. Director-Health Services Agency.
§ 1347-32. Director-Library Services.
§ 1347-33. Director of Financial Administration.
§ 1347-34. Director-Public Social Services.
§ 1347-35. Director-General Services Agency, Chief Deputy Director-General Services Agency, and Deputy Director-General Services Agency.
§ 1347-36. Executive Assistant-Governmental Relations.
§ 1347-37. Executive Assistant-Organizational Relations.
§ 1347-38. Assistant Clerk Superior Court, Assistant Registrar of Voters, Assistant Recorder, and Assistant Clerk-Board of Supervisors of the County Clerk and Recorder's Department.
§ 1347-39. Public Defender and Chief Deputy Public Defender (Ord. 3224—8/2/77; Am. Ord. 3699—7/31/84)
§ 1347-40. Superior Court Executive Officer.
§ 1347-41. Airports Administrator.
§ 1347-42. Assistant Director-Health Care Agency
§ 1347-43. Assistant Treasurer-Tax Collector
§ 1347-44. Assistant Fire Chief
§ 1347-45. Deputy Director I-Adult Services
§ 1347-46. Deputy Director I-Income Maintenance
§ 1347-47. Deputy Director I-PSSA Children's Services
§ 1347-48. Deputy Director II-PSSA
§ 1347-49. Deputy Director II-PSSA Fiscal Services
§ 1347-50. Deputy Director II-RMA
§ 1347-51. Deputy Director I-RMA
§ 1347-52. Hospital Administrator
§ 1347-53. Director-Mental Health
§ 1347-54. Deputy Courts Executive Officer
§ 1347-55. Director-Employee Health Services
§ 1347-56. Municipal Court Commissioner
§ 1347-57. Deputy Director II-PWA
§ 1347-58. Deputy Director I-PWA
§ 1347-59. Agricultural Commissioner
§ 1347-60. Manager-Animal Regulation
§ 1347-61. Solid Waste Manager
§ 1347-62. Deputy Director—Corrections Services Agency
§ 1347-63. Director—Alcohol and Drug Programs
§ 1347-64. Assistant Public Defender
§ 1347-65. Assistant County Clerk
§ 1347-66. Assistant Courts Executive Officer
§ 1347-67. Chief Deputy Director-PSSA
§ 1347-68. Assistant Public Administrator-Guardian-Conservator
§ 1347-69. Court Commissioner
§ 1347-70. Chief Medical Examiner
§ 1347-71. Assistant Chief Medical Examiner
§ 1347-72. Chief Deputy Sheriff
§ 1347-73. Director—Public Health
§ 1347-73. "Chief Assistant District Attorney" and Sec. 1347-73(b) "Supervising Criminal Attorneys"
§ 1347-74. Director—Behavioral Health
§ 1347-75. Director of Airports
§ 1347-76. Deputy Director of Airports
§ 1347-77. Director—Harbor
§ 1347-78. Deputy Director—Harbor
§ 1347-79. Deputy Director—Health Care Agency
§ 1347-80. Chief Deputy Administrative Officer
§ 1347-81. Chief Deputy—Probation Agency
§ 1347-82. Executive Officer—Probation Agency
§ 1347-83. Deputy Director—Library Services
§ 1347-83. Chief Deputy District Attorney
§ 1347-84. Retirement Manager
§ 1347-85. Supervising Civil Trial Attorney
§ 1347-86. Retirement Administrator
§ 1347-87. Assistant Retirement Administrator
§ 1347-88. Director—Probation Agency
§ 1347-89. Chief Deputy Public Defender
§ 1347-90. Chief Deputy Agriculture Commissioner
§ 1347-91. Director—Area Agency on Aging
§ 1347-92. Director, Department of Child Support Services
§ 1347-93. Director-Human Services Agency
§ 1347-93. Assistant Director, Department of Child Support Services
§ 1347-94. Deputy Director-Human Services Agency
§ 1347-95. Director-Business and Employment Services Department
§ 1347-96. Director-Children and Family Services Department
§ 1347-97. Director-Transitional and Adult Services Department
§ 1347-98. Deputy Assessor
§ 1347-99. Assistant Chief Administrative Officer/Chief Financial Officer
§ 1347-100. Chief Information Officer
§ 1347-101. Medical Director-Behavioral Health
§ 1347-102. Deputy Director RMA—Planning
§ 1347-103. Civil Service Commission Assistant
§ 1347-104. Chief-Deputy Executive Officer
§ 1347-105. Assistant Chief Information Officer
§ 1347-106. Deputy Chief Information Officer
§ 1347-107. Deputy Director, Auditor Controller
§ 1347-108. Director-Department of Child Support Services
§ 1347-109. Assistant Director-Department of Child Support Services
§ 1347-110. Deputy Director-Animal Regulation
§ 1347-111. HSA Assistant Director
§ 1347-112. Deputy Executive Officer
§ 1347-113. APCD Senior Manager—Engineering
§ 1347-114. APCD Senior Manager—Monitoring and Planning
§ 1347-115. APCD Senior Manager—Compliance
§ 1347-116. APCD Air Pollution Control Officer/Executive Officer
§ 1347-117. VCREA Project Manager
§ 1347-118. Director-VCREA
§ 1347-119. VCREA Administrative Assistant
§ 1347-120. WIOA Executive Officer
§ 1347-121. Chief Financial Officer—Retirement
§ 1347-122. Deputy Chief Information Officer
§ 1347-123. Assistant Clerk and Recorder
§ 1347-124. Principal Assistant County Counsel
§ 1347-125. Public Authority Administrator
§ 1347-126. Director—Harbor Planning and Redevelopment
§ 1347-127. LAFCO Deputy Executive Officer
§ 1347-128. Assistant County Executive Officer
§ 1347-129. Chief District Attorney Investigator
§ 1347-130. APCD Deputy Air Pollution Control Officer
§ 1347-131. Public Administrator
§ 1347-132. Chief Financial Officer—HCA
§ 1347-133. Assistant Sheriff
§ 1347-134. Chief Deputy Assessor
§ 1347-135. Chief Deputy Director Health Care Agency
§ 1347-136. Director Water and Sanitation
§ 1347-137. Director Transportation
§ 1347-138. Director Watershed Management
§ 1347-139. Director PWA Central Services
§ 1347-140. Director Engineering Services
§ 1347-143. Retirement Chief Investment Officer
§ 1347-144. Board Supervisor's Chief of Staff
§ 1347-145. Senior Deputy Executive Officer
§ 1347-146. Assistant Director Behavioral Health
§ 1347-147. Chief Financial Officer—Hospital
§ 1347-148. Chief Financial Officer—Ambulatory Care
§ 1347-149. Chief Deputy Director—Human Services Agency
§ 1347-150. County Chief Financial Officer
§ 1347-151. Chief Information Security Officer
§ 1347-152. Chief Hospital Operations—E
§ 1347-153. Chief Hospital Operations—Professional & Support Services—E
§ 1347-154. Chief Nursing Executive—E
§ 1347-155. Medical Director
§ 1347-156. Ambulatory Care/Population Health Administrator
§ 1347-157. Medical Director—Hospital and Ambulatory Care
Appendix 1348. Deleted by Ord. 3202—6/1/76.
Appendix 1349. Substitute employees.
Appendix 1350. Deleted by Ord. 3202—6/1/76.
Appendix 1351. Political activities.
§ 1351-1. Soliciting or receiving funds or contributions.
§ 1351-2. Participation in political activity while in uniform.
§ 1351-3. Prohibition of entry for political assessment subscription or contribution.
§ 1351-4. Use of official authority or influence, corrupt condition or consideration.
§ 1351-5. Disciplinary action.
Appendix 1352. Disciplinary hearings.
§ 1352-1. Order in writing.
§ 1352-2. Time for appeal.
§ 1352-2.1. Involuntary resignations.
§ 1352-3. Time for hearing.
§ 1352-4. Hearing board or officer.
§ 1352-5. Duty of law officer.
§ 1352-6. Appearance of petitioner.
§ 1352-7. Right to counsel.
§ 1352-8. Formal or informal hearing.
§ 1352-9. Subpoena power.
§ 1352-10. Public hearing.
§ 1352-11. Oaths.
§ 1352-12. Order of proof.
§ 1352-13. Duty to testify.
§ 1352-14. Evidence.
§ 1352-15. Parties as witnesses.
§ 1352-16. Exclusion of witnesses.
§ 1352-17. Witness fees.
§ 1352-18. Depositions.
§ 1352-19. Report of hearing.
§ 1352-20. Findings and decisions.
§ 1352-21. Modification procedures.
§ 1352-22. Modification or vacation of order.
§ 1352-23. Judicial review.
§ 1352-24. Record.