Article 5. Cultural Heritage  

Appendix 1360. Title.
Appendix 1361. Purpose and findings.
Appendix 1362. Applicability of ordinance.
Appendix 1363. Cultural Heritage Board.
§ 1363-1. Supervisorial appointees.
§ 1363-2. Cultural Heritage Board appointment of members at large.
§ 1363-3. Term of appointment.
Appendix 1364. Functions and powers.
§ 1364-1. Establishment and evaluation of potentially eligible Cultural Heritage Sites.
§ 1364-2. Hold public hearings.
§ 1364-3. Forward recommendations.
§ 1364-4. Maintain local register of historic places.
§ 1364-5. Recommend placement in the California Register of Historical Resources.
§ 1364-6. Establish markers.
§ 1364-7. Recommend zoning.
§ 1364-8. Establish bylaws.
§ 1364-9. Recommend amendments.
§ 1364-10. Designation of Cultural Heritage Sites.
§ 1364-11. Conduct surveys.
§ 1364-12. Conduct reviews.
Appendix 1365. Designation of Cultural Heritage Sites.
§ 1365-1. The Cultural Heritage Board shall have the authority to designate Cultural Heritage Sites where the property owner has no objection to a site's designation.
§ 1365-2. After a public hearing, preceded by a 15 day notice to property owners, the Cultural Heritage Board may designate sites as: Districts, Landmarks, Sites of Merit, including all County approved surveyed sites with a National Register status code of 5 or above; or Points of Interest if the applicable standards of Sections 1365 and 1366 are met.
§ 1365-3. The Cultural Heritage Board may designate a site on an interim basis for no more than 60 days after said decision while it conducts and assesses evaluations/surveys of the site to determine if it should receive a formal designation as a Cultural Heritage Site. Such designation shall be preceded by a 15 day notice to property owners.
§ 1365-4. Removal of designation.
§ 1365-5. Definition and designation criteria for Cultural Heritage Sites.
§ 1365-6. Additional designation standards.
Appendix 1366. Certificate of Appropriateness (COA).
§ 1366-1. Prior to commencement of or receipt of necessary permits for maintenance, alteration, restoration, rehabilitation, remodeling, addition, change of use, demolition, subdivision or relocation of designated Cultural Heritage Sites or sites potentially eligible for such designation, the land owner shall have:
§ 1366-2. The County Resource Management Agency and other applicable County agencies shall report any application for a permit to work on a designated Cultural Heritage Site or potentially eligible site to the Cultural Heritage Board and its staff as soon as the application has been received;
§ 1366-3. In evaluating requests for Certificates of Appropriateness, the Cultural Heritage Board and staff shall consider the existing architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials, and any other factors with regard to the site's original distinguishing characteristics. Using the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Historic Preservation Projects as a guide, the Cultural Heritage Board or its staff, as delegated, shall approve a Certificate of Appropriateness for any proposed work site if, and only if, one (1) of the following findings can be made:
§ 1366-4. Requests for Certificates of Appropriateness shall be signed by the land owner or their designated agent and filed with the County's Resource Management Agency for processing. Requests shall include plans and specifications, and the relationship of the proposed work to the surrounding environs. The request shall be accompanied by any other information the Cultural Heritage Board determines is required to make an informed judgment of the proposed work according to the standards of review pursuant to Section 1364-12.
§ 1366-5. If the Cultural Heritage Board or staff, as applicable, fails to act on a request for a Certificate of Appropriateness within ninety (90) days of submission of a complete COA application, a Certificate of Appropriateness shall not be required; proposed projects on undesignated and designated Cultural Heritage Sites may proceed without an approved COA, provided an action is not pending on the designation of the site, and all other necessary permits have been obtained.
§ 1366-6. If no building, planning or other permit is required to pursue work on a designated Cultural Heritage Site or potentially eligible site, where the owner has been notified of the site's eligible status; whoever is responsible for the work, whether it is the tenant, resident or property owner, shall apply to the Cultural Heritage Board staff directly for the appropriate authorization pursuant to Sec. 1364-12 or Sec. 1366;
§ 1366-7. The Cultural Heritage Board or staff may disapprove the issuance of said Certificate or Certificates for any proposed work if, and only if, it makes one (1) of the following applicable findings:
§ 1366-8. If the request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for a specific project proposal is denied by the Cultural Heritage Board or staff, the property owner of a designated Cultural Heritage Site shall be prohibited from taking action for 180 days from the date of the disapproval. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 1366-7 or any other provision of the Cultural Heritage Ordinance, following the date of denial of a complete Certificate of Appropriateness application by the Ventura County Cultural Heritage Board or by staff, a Certificate of Appropriateness shall not be required as follows: (a) in the case of a designated or interim basis Cultural Historical Site, one hundred eighty (180) days beyond; and (b) in the case of an undesignated site, immediately following such denial. Said decisions may be appealed to the Board of Supervisors within 15 days or decisions by staff may be appealed to the Cultural Heritage Board within 15 days. There is no waiting period following the denial of a COA for projects on sites not designated an interim or formal Cultural Heritage Site.
§ 1366-9. Non-action after Certificate of Appropriateness.
Appendix 1367. Acquisition of designated Cultural Heritage Sites.
Appendix 1368. Municipal cultural heritage.
Appendix 1369. Funds.
Appendix 1370. Cooperation.
§ 1370-1. Notify the Cultural Heritage Board of the discovery of items of historical significance, such as burial grounds, prehistoric artifacts or historical foundations;
§ 1370-2. Inform the Board of proposed alteration, demolition or relocation of Designated Cultural Heritage Sites or sites eligible for such designation;
§ 1370-3. Inform the Board of proposed changes of all road and geographical names; and
§ 1370-4. Inform the Board of all County records of historical significance which are to be disposed of or destroyed.
Appendix 1371. Expenses.
Appendix 1372. State Historic Building Code.
Appendix 1373. Definitions.

(Reenacted 11/20/73 Ord. 2737)

(Amended 4/30/91 Ord. 3974)

(Repealed and Reenacted 12/12/00 Ord. 4225)