Appendix 2216. Approval.

Latest version.
  • Upon the filing of an application for a license to conduct an event enumerated in Section 2211, the Sheriff shall cause to be made such investigations as he deems necessary. If the Sheriff finds: the requirements of Sections 2212 and 2213 have been met; the conducting of said event(s), for which the license is requested at the place set forth in the application, will not violate any law or ordinance of the County of Ventura, or any law of the State of California or constitute a menace to the health, safety or welfare of the community; and the applicant is an adult sponsoring group or principal approved by the Sheriff and has not had a license revoked by the Sheriff within one (1) year prior to the application, the Sheriff may approve the application for a license, subject to the payment of all fees as required by Sections 2132 and 2214.

(Add. Ord. 3615—9/28/82)