Appendix 2277. Approval.  

Latest version.
  • When the applicant has complied with sections 2275 and 2276 the Sheriff shall approve the application for annual renewal. The Sheriff may disapprove the application for license renewal or revoke or suspend a license already granted if he finds that:


    The applicant has made an untruthful statement in his application;


    The applicant is an immoral, disorderly or dishonest person;


    The applicant has violated any provision of this Article;


    The applicant is an unfit person to manage such business;


    The applicant's card room business has been carried on in a manner detrimental to the peace, health, safety, morals, or well-being of the community; or


    Cards have been used or played in such place of business contrary to the laws of the State of California or ordinances of this County.