Appendix 4485. Disposition.  

Latest version.
  • Wild animals found running loose may be impounded in accordance with the provisions of Section 4435. However, neither the County nor its officers, agents or employees shall be liable for injury or disease to any animal incurred while said animal is being captured, transported or impounded. Wild animals, when found to be at large and injuring, damaging or threatening to injure or damage any person or property, will be deemed to be a public nuisance and may be summarily destroyed without liability resulting to the County, its officers, agents or employees. Reclamation by an owner or keeper of any impounded wild animal will be permitted upon the payment to the Division of the actual cost to the Division of the capture, impounding and care of such animal provided that all required State and Federal permits are also obtained.

(Ord. No. 4457, § 1, 12-10-2013)