Appendix 4817. Well seal inspection reports.  

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  • (a)

    Well Construction Seal Inspection Report. A County inspector will prepare a well seal inspection report for water wells and cathodic protection wells constructed pursuant to and in compliance with an unexpired permit issued under this Article.


    Well Destruction Seal Inspection Report. A County inspector will prepare a well seal inspection report for water wells and cathodic protection wells destroyed pursuant to and in compliance with an unexpired permit issued under this Article.


    Monitoring Well/Engineering Test Hole Construction Seal Inspection Report. The well seal inspection report for monitoring wells and engineering test holes constructed pursuant to and in compliance with an unexpired permit issued under this Article shall be submitted by a registered inspector within thirty (30) days of sealing on a form* satisfactory to the Agency, and shall include:


    Permit number.


    Date(s) of sealing work.


    Number of wells constructed under this permit.


    Diameter and depth of bore hole(s), diameter and depth of casing(s) installed, depth to top and bottom of perforated interval(s), and depth(s) to top of annular filter pack.


    Depth to water.


    Depth and type of sealing material(s).


    Method of placement of sealing material(s).


    Method of protection of wellhead or open (engineering test) bore hole.**


    Signature of registered inspector.

    * Bulletin 74-90 (DWR) requires that monitoring well construction, alteration, and destruction reports be completed on forms provided by the California Department of Water Resources.

    ** Subsection 4814(h) requires that all engineering test holes be destroyed within one (1) working day after completion of testing.


    Monitoring Well Destruction Seal Inspection Report. The well seal inspection report for monitoring wells and engineering test holes destroyed pursuant to and in compliance with an unexpired permit issued under Section 4813 shall be submitted by a registered inspector within thirty (30) days of sealing on a form* satisfactory to the Agency, and shall include:


    Permit number.


    Date(s) of sealing work.


    Number of wells destroyed under this permit.


    Diameter and depth of bore hole(s) and diameter and depth of casing(s) installed (monitoring wells).


    Depth to water.


    Depth and type of sealing material(s).


    Method of placement of sealing material.


    Method of restoration of site area.


    Signature of registered inspector.

    * Bulletin 74-90 (DWR) requires that monitoring well construction, alteration, and destruction reports be completed on forms provided by the California Department of Water Resources.


    Water Well Condition Inspection Report for Certificate of Exemption or Returning Well to Active Status. Any person who owns or who possesses a water well that is abandoned or about to become abandoned due to lack of use, but who does not desire to destroy the well, may submit to the Agency a well condition inspection report signed by a registered inspector pursuant to Section 4820. The report shall include:


    State well number.


    Driller's report.


    Assessor parcel number of the property on which the well is located.


    An accurate location description with respect to nearby wells, septic systems, animal enclosures, roads, and property boundaries.


    Photographs of the well site, taken not more than six (6) months prior to application for a certificate of exemption.


    Video log of well casing, conducted not more than six (6) months prior to application for a certificate of exemption.


    A description of the well casing condition based upon a review of the most recent video log of the well.


    An opinion that the well is, or is not, equipped with an annular seal or seals to prevent the interchange of waters between water-bearing strata penetrated by the well.


    A statement that the well is, or is not, protected from artesian flow and from entry by surface waters.


    A description of any work necessary to assure the safety of local groundwater supplies due to the continued existence of the well.


    A description of any repair work necessary to allow the well to function for its intended purpose.

(Ord. No. 4468, § 1, 12-16-2014)