Article 2. Enforcement of the California Safe Drinking Water Act  

Appendix 4851. Purpose and scope.
Appendix 4852. Definitions.
Appendix 4853. Enforcement generally.
Appendix 4854. Permits, permit modifications, variances, exemptions, suspensions and revocations: Hearings thereon.
§ 4854-1. Hearings generally.
§ 4854-2. Demand for hearing.
§ 4854-3. Finality of orders without a hearing.
§ 4854-4. Hearing procedures.
Appendix 4855. Citations and orders: Hearings thereon.
§ 4855-1. Citations.
§ 4855-2. Orders.
§ 4855-3. Hearings generally.
§ 4855-4. Demand for hearing.
§ 4855-5. Finality of citation or order without a hearing.
§ 4855-6. Hearing procedure.
Appendix 4856. Abatement of a nuisance; hearings thereon.
§ 4856-1. Summary abatement.
§ 4856-2. Abatement order and hearing.
§ 4856-3. Demand for hearing.
§ 4856-4. Finality of abatement order without a hearing.
§ 4856-5. Abatement and cost thereof.
§ 4856-6. Demand to pay abatement costs.
§ 4856-7. Hearing on abatement costs.
§ 4856-8. Hearing procedure.
Appendix 4857. Hearing procedure.
§ 4857-1. Notice.
§ 4857-2. Hearing generally and continuances.
§ 4857-3. Evidence.
§ 4857-4. Subpoena power.
§ 4857-5. Contempt.
§ 4857-6. Record.
§ 4857-7. Findings.
§ 4857-8. Orders.
§ 4857-9. Service of findings and order.
§ 4857-10. Finality of findings and order.
Appendix 4858. Appeal.
Appendix 4859. Inspection; water testing; examination of records.
Appendix 4860. Lien.

(Added by Ord. 3859—5/24/88)