§ 4857-3. Evidence.  

Latest version.
  • At the request of any interested person, all live testimony shall be under oath. The examiner shall have the power to administer oaths or affirmations and to certify official acts. The examiner may permit testimony by affidavit or declaration. Live testimony may be given in an informal narrative style. The Environmental Health Department and any person to whom notice of the hearing was given, or should have been given, shall have the right to call and examine witnesses, to introduce exhibits, to cross-examine witnesses on any matter relevant to the issues, even though such matter was not covered on direct examination, and to impeach any witness, regardless of whether that person first called the witness to testify. Any relevant evidence shall be admissible if it is the sort of evidence upon which responsible persons are accustomed to rely in the conduct of serious affairs, regardless of the existence of any common law or statutory rule which would make improper the admission of such evidence in a civil action. Hearsay evidence shall be admissible for any purpose, but shall not be sufficient itself to support a finding, unless it would be admissible over objection in a civil action. In reaching a decision, official notice may be taken, either before or after submission of the case for decision, of any generally accepted technical or scientific matter and of any fact which may be judicially noticed by the courts of this state. Persons present at the hearing shall be informed of the matters to be officially noticed and those matters shall be noted in the record. Any such person shall be given reasonable opportunity on request to refute any officially noticed matters.