§ 4957. Contractual/proposal language.  

Latest version.
  • A bid documents and service contracts for services, as defined in Section 4952(f), are to contain the following paragraph or substantially similar language:

    "This contract is subject to the County of Ventura Living Wage Ordinance. The Ordinance requires the payment of a living wage and accompanying paid time off to all covered employees engaged in providing services pursuant to a service contract as defined in Section 4952(f). Misrepresentation during the procurement or contracting process in order to secure the contract will disqualify a bidder or contractor from further consideration in the procurement or contracting process. Failure to comply once a contract has been awarded will constitute a material breach of the contract and may result, among other things, in the suspension or termination of the affected contract and debarment from future County contracting opportunities for a period not to exceed three (3) years."

(Ord. No. 4464(Rev.), § 1, 6-24-2016)