Appendix 4606. Permit to operate required.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Food Facility. No person shall operate a food facility without having a valid Permit to Operate issued for such facility by the Director. A Permit to Operate issued pursuant to this subsection shall also serve as the permit required by Section 114387 of the Health and Safety Code. If the Permit to Operate is issued for a food facility for which a Permit to Operate sticker is required by Section 4610, a single permit may cover multiple facilities of the same type operated by the same person.


    Massage Business. No person shall operate a massage business at any location without having a valid Permit to Operate issued for such business issued by the Director. A separate Permit to Operate is required for each location at which massages are given. The requirements of this subsection for a Permit to Operate are in addition to the requirements of Section 2491-1 for a massage business license.


    Organized Camp. No person shall operate an organized camp without having a valid Permit to Operate issued for such camp by the Director.


    Public Swimming Pool. No person shall operate a public swimming pool without having a valid Permit to Operate issued for such pool by the Director. A Permit to Operate issued pursuant to this subsection shall also serve as written approval of the enforcing agent required by Section 65511 (b) of Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations.


    Septic Tank Pumper. No person shall operate a septic tank pumper without having a valid Permit to Operate issued for such pumper by the Director. A single permit may cover multiple pumpers operated by the same person. A Permit to Operate issued pursuant to this subsection shall also serve as the registration required by Section 117405 of the Health and Safety Code.


    Grace Period Pending Issuance. An application for a Permit to Operate with respect to which the Director has recommended approval pursuant to Section 4607 shall, for a period of three working days, excluding weekends and holidays, from the date of such recommendation, confer the same privileges as a Permit to Operate even if the Permit to Operate fee has not yet been paid and the Permit has not yet been issued.


    Additional Permits and Licenses. Except as otherwise provided in this Section, the Permit to Operate shall be in addition to any Permit to Construct or other license or permit that may be required by the County or any other public entity.


    Each Day of Violation a Separate Offense. Each day or a portion of a day that a person operates a food facility, massage business, organized camp, public swimming pool, or septic tank pumper in violation of this section is a separate offense.

(Rep. & Reen. Ord. 4364—6/19/07)