Appendix 6402. Enforcement of ordinances.  

Latest version.
  • The Director shall be subject to the direction, authority, and control of the County Executive Officer. The Director shall have full authority for the enforcement of all ordinances and regulations affecting the Harbor. The Director's powers and duties shall include but not be limited to the following:


    To designate and mark by buoys or otherwise the areas within which vessels of different sizes and classes shall be anchored or moored;


    To assign moorings for vessels within designated areas;


    To assign berths or landing places for vessels;


    To board and move or to order the owner or person in control of any vessel or mooring within the Harbor to move the vessel and its moorings to any other position the Director designates when determining that the change is in the interest of safety or is necessary because of space limitations or traffic conditions, or in order to reduce risks due to fire, sinking, breakaway, or collision;


    To order unauthorized vessels to leave the Harbor area;


    To promulgate regulations for the operation and administration of public facilities at the Harbor.

(Ord. No. 4439, 8-9-2011)