Appendix 6680. Skateboarding, roller skating, and inline skating prohibited where posted—Private property.  

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  • (a)

    No person shall ride, propel, or in any manner operate a skateboard, roller skates, coaster, toy vehicle, or similar device, including inline skates, on, along, or over any privately owned property in the unincorporated area within the County of Ventura where the owner, manager, or other person in charge of the property has prohibited the same.


    The prohibition set forth in this section shall not apply until notice has been provided in accordance with this section.


    Notices shall be provided in and about the area where the activity is to be prohibited. Notices shall be placed in locations and in sufficient numbers so that they are reasonably likely to be seen by those engaging in the prohibited activities. Notices may be stenciled directly onto the sidewalk or other surface of the area where the activity is prohibited, or otherwise prominently displayed in and about that area.


    This notice shall provide in capital letters at least two inches high which activities are prohibited, and underneath shall provide in print at least one inch high, "Ventura Ordinance Code, § 6680."


    For purposes of this section, "privately owned property" shall be deemed to include property owned by other public or governmental agencies within the County of Ventura.