Chapter 1. Traffic Ordinance  

Appendix 7000. Title.
Appendix 7001. Violations.
Appendix 7005. Prior traffic controls.
Appendix 7010. Traffic officer on duty.
Appendix 7015. Definitions.
Appendix 7020. Matters to be provided for by ordinance.
Appendix 7021. Matters to be provided for by resolution.
Appendix 7022. Matters to be provided for by order of the road commissioner.
§ 7022-1. Orders filed.
§ 7022-2. Effective date.
§ 7022-3. Status.
§ 7022-4. Concurrent or subsequent action.
Appendix 7030. Duties of road commissioner.
Appendix 7035. Warning, directional signs and roadway markings.
Appendix 7040. Temporary traffic controls.
Appendix 7045. Temporary restrictions—General.
Appendix 7046. Closing or restricting use of county highways.
§ 7046-1. Notice to public.
§ 7046-2. Signs.
Appendix 7050. Molesting of traffic counting devices.
Appendix 7055. Interference or injury to signs, traffic controls, markings and pavement.
Appendix 7105. Bicycles.
Appendix 7106. Skateboards.
Appendix 7115. Weight limits.
Appendix 7120. Railroad crossings.
Appendix 7125. Repairing of vehicles on highway.
Appendix 7200. Parking restrictions.
Appendix 7205. Establishment of parking zones.
Appendix 7210. Parking spaces.
Appendix 7215. Parking meter zones.
Appendix 7220. Prohibited parking.
Appendix 7225. Limited parking.
Appendix 7230. Parking in alleys.
Appendix 7235. Parking on public or private property.
Appendix 7240. Parking on hills.
Appendix 7245. Parking in parkway.
Appendix 7250. Parking or standing of commercial vehicles having a manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 pounds or more in designated residential districts.
Appendix 7251. Oversized vehicle parking prohibition, Oak Park Area.
Appendix 7252. Oversized vehicle parking prohibition.
Appendix 7255. Parking vehicles for sale.
Appendix 7260. Removal of stored vehicles.
Appendix 7265. Stopping by buses and taxicabs.
Appendix 7270. Taxicab stands.
Appendix 7300. Advertising and defacing of property in or adjacent to highways.