Appendix 7251. Oversized vehicle parking prohibition, Oak Park Area.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following words or phrases shall be defined as follows unless the context clearly otherwise requires:


    "Oak Park Community" is that geographic area within the unincorporated area of Ventura County lying easterly of the City of Thousand Oaks, northerly of Los Angeles County, southerly of the City of Simi Valley and westerly of the Santa Monica Mountains Recreational Area.


    "Oversized vehicle" means any vehicle, as the word "vehicle" is defined in the California Vehicle Code (CVC), or a combination of connected vehicles, which exceeds twenty-five (25) feet in length, and/or eighty (80) inches in width, and/or eighty-two (82) inches in height, exclusive of such projecting lights or devices as are expressly allowed pursuant to the CVC as it now exists or hereafter may be amended.


    "Recreational vehicle" means any vehicle used for recreational purposes including, but not limited to, motor homes and any trailer used for the transportation of recreational or leisure items.


    "Highway" shall be as defined in the CVC.


    Parking of Oversized Vehicles Prohibited. Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, it is unlawful to park or leave standing any oversized vehicle at any time upon any highway within the Oak Park Community. Any violation of this section shall be subject to a fine in the amount of thirty dollars ($30.00) in additional to any administrative charges or penalties authorized under the CVC.


    Exemptions. This section shall not apply:


    To an oversized recreational vehicle, while any person is in preparation for a trip, or in the process of recovery from a trip in that recreational vehicle. Such preparation or recovery shall not exceed seventy-two (72) hours. For the purpose of these exemptions, a trip is defined as an excursion outside of the Oak Park Community for a continuous period in excess of twenty-four (24) hours duration. The exemption period is seventy-two (72) hours; or


    While any person is actively engaged in making temporary or emergency repairs to an oversized vehicle; for a period not to exceed seventy-two (72) hours; or


    While any person is actively engaged in the pickup or delivery of goods, wares, and merchandise, including, without limitation, building materials, from or to a property or building located in the County; or


    To any publicly owned vehicle; or


    To any oversized vehicle properly displaying a valid special identification license plate issued pursuant to CVC Section 5007 or a distinguishing placard issued pursuant to Section 22511.55 or 22511.59; or


    To oversized vehicles that are work vehicles not otherwise restricted by local property or homeowners association restrictions and are parked wholly abutting the real property upon which the vehicle owner's resident is located.

    For purposes of this exemption, work vehicles are vehicles used for a minimum of sixteen (16) trips of not less than four hours every four weeks.

    No permit shall be issued if the resident has space on the driveway of the residence for parking the work vehicle in a manner that is not restricted by law or local property or homeowners association restrictions. Exemptions for work vehicles shall be by permit only; or


    To residents whose primary vehicle for transporting family members or other dependents to schools, hospitals or other essential community services is an oversized vehicle, as determined by this section, and implementation of the vehicle restriction would be an undue hardship. Such exemptions will be by permit only; or


    All permits for the exemptions authorized by subsections (c)(6) and (c)(7) of this section shall be issued by a sub-committee comprised of the members of the Oak Park Municipal Advisory Council, who shall establish administrative procedures for review of permit applications and the issuance and revocation of permits. The sub-committee shall have authority to revoke a permit if substantial evidence demonstrates that the permit holder has violated this section or any statute regulating to the parking of vehicles. Revocations shall be for the following duration:

    First revocation: ninety (90) days.

    Second revocation: one hundred eighty (180) days.

    Third revocation and any revocation thereafter: three hundred sixty (360) days.


    Posted Signs. Signs giving reasonable notice of the prohibition established by this section shall be erected as required by CVC Section 22507.


    Enforcement. Enforcement shall be complaint driven, whether by uniformed officer or Oak Park Resident.

(Add. Ord. 4358—2/27/07)