Appendix 7804. Review of application.  

Latest version.
  • Upon receipt of the application, the Agency shall determine whether the facility identified in the application is or soon will be a terminal as defined in this Chapter. If the Agency determines that it is not and will not soon be such a terminal, it shall deny the application. If the Agency determines that the facility is or will soon be such a terminal, it shall determine whether the proposed route is adequate to accommodate large trucks. A route shall not be determined to be adequate unless it meets the following criteria, among such others as the Agency may specify:


    All ramps, intersections and highways have turning radii and lanes sufficiently wide to permit large trucks to negotiate the entire route within existing traffic lanes.


    General traffic conditions such as sight distance, speed, and traffic volume will not preclude safe operation of large trucks.

    If the road is determined to be inadequate, the Agency shall deny the application and shall notify the applicant of modifications needed to make the route adequate. If the road is determined to be adequate, the Agency shall submit the application to the California Department of Transportation (and, if any part of the route lies outside of the unincorporated portion of the county, to the county or city having jurisdiction over such part) for approval. If such approval is denied, the Agency shall deny the application. If such approval is granted, the Agency shall so notify the applicant and, upon receipt of the sign fee deposit established pursuant to Section 7808, approve the application.