B1. - Native Trees.  

Latest version.
  • California native trees existed in California prior to the arrival of European explorers and colonists in the late 18th century. California's native trees shall be conserved not only because of their beauty and intrinsic value, but also because they are essential components of ecosystems and natural processes. The following list of native trees may be selected for future planting.

    Table 1
    Native Trees
    Arroyo Willow
    ( Salix lasiolepis )
    Catalina Ironwood, Santa Cruz Island Ironwood
    ( Lyonothamnus floribundus, L. floribundus ssp. aspleniifolius )
    Big Cone Douglas Fir
    ( Pseudotsuga Macrocarpa )
    ( Sambucas all species)
    Big Leaf Maple
    ( Acer macrophyllum )
    Pacific madrona
    ( Arbutus menziesii )
    Black Cottonwood, Fremont Cottonwood
    ( Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa and Poplus fremontii ssp. fremontii )
    ( Quercus , all indigenous species found in Ventura County)
    California Ash
    ( Fraxinus dipetala )
    Southern California Black Walnut
    ( Juglans californica )
    California Bay Laurel
    ( Umbellularia californica )
    ( Platanus racemosa )
    California Juniper, Western Juniper
    ( Juniperus californica, Juniperus occidentalis )
    White Alder
    ( Alnus rhombifolia )


    * The list of native trees was compiled using the responsible landscaping tree list developed by the California Native Plant Society, California Invasive Plant Council and Calflora, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing information about California plant biodiversity.

(Ord. No. 4492, § 9, 6-21-2016)