§ 8181-3.5.2. Additional findings for development in the Santa Monica Mountains overlay zone.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to the provisions of Section 8181-3.5, for any proposed development in the Santa Monica Mountains overlay zone the following additional findings must be made through conditions and limitations placed on the use:


    Private services for each individual development requiring potable water will be able to serve the development adequately over its normal lifespan.


    When a water well is necessary to serve the development, the applicant shall be required to do a test well and provide data relative to depth of water, geologic structure, production capacities, degree of drawdown, etc. The data produced from test wells shall be aggregated to identify cumulative impacts on riparian areas or other coastal resources. When sufficient cumulative data is available to make accurate findings, the County must find that there is no evidence that proposed wells will either individually or cumulatively cause significant adverse impacts on the above mentioned coastal resources.


    All need for sewage disposal over the life span of the development will be satisfied by existing sewer service to the immediate area or by location of septic facilities on-site consistent with other applicable provisions of the LCP.


    Development outside of the established "Community" area shall not directly or indirectly cause the extension of public services (roads, sewers, water etc.) into an open space area.

(Ord. No. 4451, § 9, 12-11-2012)