§ 8182-12.3. Where the only change is in the type of permit required.

Latest version.
  • If the adoption of this Chapter, or any amendment to this Chapter, results only in a requirement for a different permit for the same existing use or structure, the use shall be governed by the following provisions:

    8182-12.3.1  If the use or structure affected is existing lawfully as a permitted or conditionally permitted use or structure of any kind, the existing use is hereby deemed to be conforming without any further action. Any expansions of the use or structure shall conform to this Chapter, including requirements for type of permit, provided that any conditions imposed on any such new permit shall be reasonably related to the modification or expansion being requested. Internal remodeling or minor architectural changes or embellishments involving no change in basic architectural style shall not result in a requirement for a new permit.

    8182-12.3.2  If the use affected is under a permit that has an expiration date or clause and the new regulation requires a different permit, the use may continue as conforming until the specified point of expiration, at which time one of the following actions shall occur:


    Applicant may file, in a timely manner, for a permit or renewal as permitted under this Chapter;


    The permit expires and the use shall terminate.

(Am. Ord. 4055—2/1/94)