§ 8183-5.7. Civil administrative penalties.  

Latest version.
  • Civil administrative penalties may be imposed for final violations. For the purpose of this section, a violation, as defined in Section 8183-5.6, is "final" if the notice of violation issued pursuant to Section 8183-5.6 is not appealed in accordance with Section 8181-9 or, if properly appealed, the appeal process is complete and the notice of violation is upheld. All notices required by this section shall be sent by first class mail to the last known address of the violator(s), as defined by Section 8183-5.6, and shall be deemed served three (3) days after the date of mailing. The Planning Director or his/her designees shall be Enforcement Officers authorized to impose civil administrative penalties as provided herein.

(Add. Ord. 4055—2/1/94; Ord. No. 4451, § 9, 12-11-2012; Ord. No. 4498, § 6, 12-6-2016)