§ 8183-5.7.6. Enforcement.  

Latest version.
  • A penalty that is final either by termination of appeal rights or by completion of the appeal process may be collected by any lawfully authorized means including but not limited to filing a civil action to recover the amount of unpaid penalties.

    A penalty that is final either by termination of appeal rights or by completion of the appeal process may be collected by any lawfully authorized means including but not limited to filing a civil action to recover the amount of unpaid penalties.

    In addition, the County shall have a lien against the subject property in the amount of the unpaid penalties accrued and to be accrued until the violation is corrected. The lien may be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder by the recording of the notice, or amended notice, of imposition of civil penalties or the notice, or amended notice, of increase in civil penalties, whichever is applicable.

    The lien shall remain in effect until released and shall run with the land.

    Upon correction of the violation(s) and payment of penalties and costs associated with the imposition, enforcement and collection of the penalties, the Planning Director shall record a release of lien pertaining to the paid penalties.

(Ord. No. 4498, § 6, 12-6-2016)