§ 8171-10. Adoption of zoning maps.  

Latest version.
  • The Board of Supervisors hereby adopts the County Coastal Zoning Maps as the official zoning maps pursuant to the following findings:

    8171-10.1  Prior to the enactment of Ordinance 3654 in 1983, amending this Chapter, a zone classification was established on all land in the Coastal Zone in the unincorporated area of the County. Said comprehensive zoning was effected by ordinance and included in the County Zoning Maps, Coastal Codification, that were contained in the previous Section 8179 and graphically depicted on portions of the County Assessor map books 8, 60, 80, 138, 183, 188, 206, 231, 234, 694, 700 and 701.

    Zoning designations, locations, and boundaries are set forth and indicated in the "Ventura County Coastal Zoning Maps," which are referenced in Section 8179.

    Adoption of the County Coastal Zoning Maps does not change the zone classification of any land. In the event of any error in the transmission of the zoning classifications from the previous zoning maps to the new Coastal Zoning Maps, the zone classification of the land as shown on the 1983 certified zoning maps, as amended, shall prevail, and the new coastal zoning maps shall be changed to correct the error.

    The County Coastal Zoning Maps are on file in the office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors.

(Ord. No. 4451, § 1, 12-11-2012)

Editor's note

Ord. No. 4451, § 1, adopted December 11, 2012, amended § 8171-10 to read as set out herein. Former § 8171-10 pertained to adoption of official zoning data and was derived from Ord. No. 4378, adopted January 29, 2008.