§ 8171-9.1. Lot area suffix.  

Latest version.
  • Lot areas larger than the minimum specified by the Coastal Land Use Plan and this Chapter may be determined by a suffix number following the base zone designation on a given zoning map. The application of said suffixes shall be consistent with the Area Plan for the Coastal Zone and Article 5. All other requirements of the base zone contained in this Chapter shall apply to the respective zone designated by a suffix. The suffix numbers shall only be assigned in one thousand (1,000) square-foot increments for lots less than one (1) acre in area (i.e., CRE-30 means: Coastal Rural Exclusive, thirty thousand (30,000) square foot minimum lot size), and in increments of one acre for lots of one (1) acre or larger area (i.e., CRE 5Ac means: Coastal Rural Exclusive, five (5) acre minimum lot size). The application of suffix numbers shall not create lot areas smaller than the minimum area specified for the various base zones established by Section 8171-9. Where no suffix number appears, it is understood that the minimum lot area specified in Section 8171-9 for that zone shall apply.

(Am. Ord. 4055—2/1/94; Ord. No. 4451, § 9, 12-11-2012)