Article 4. Permitted Uses  

§ 8174-1. Purpose.
§ 8174-2. Interpretation.
§ 8174-2.1. Each use is subject to all provisions of this Chapter.
§ 8174-2.2. Any use requested as an accessory use that is not listed as such in Section 8174-5, but is listed as a principal use, shall be subject to the indicated requirements of the principal use.
§ 8174-2.3. More than one (1) principal use or principal structure may legally exist on a lot (e.g., agriculture, oil production, a wireless communication facility and/or a residence.)
§ 8174-2.4. For the purposes of this Article, any use listed in matrix form that is indented shall be construed as a subheading of the heading under which it is indented.
§ 8174-3. Original permit jurisdiction.
§ 8174-4. Environmentally sensitive habitat areas (ESHA).
§ 8174-5. Permitted uses by zone.
§ 8174-6. Statutory exemptions and categorical exclusions.
§ 8174-6.1. Agricultural exclusions.
§ 8174-6.2. Residential exemptions and exclusions.
§ 8174-6.2.1. Single-family dwellings.
§ 8174-6.2.2. Improvements to existing single-family dwellings.
§ 8174-6.2.3. Improvements to residential structures, other than single-family dwellings.
§ 8174-6.2.4. Conversion of residential units.
§ 8174-6.2.5. Residential accessory uses and structures.
§ 8174-6.3. General exemptions and exclusions.
§ 8174-6.3.1. Maintenance dredging.
§ 8174-6.3.2. Repair or maintenance activities.
§ 8174-6.3.3. Utility connections.
§ 8174-6.3.4. Improvements to non-residential structures, other than public works facilities.
§ 8174-6.3.5. Disaster replacement of structures.
§ 8174-6.3.6. Other general exclusions.
§ 8174-6.4. Procedures for categorically excluded developments.
§ 8174-6.4.1. Records.
§ 8174-6.4.2. Notice.