§ 8174-6.2.1. Single-family dwellings.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Pursuant to Categorical Exclusion Order E-83-1 (effective 9/30/1986, amendment effective 2/25/1987), the construction of single-family dwellings on existing vacant legal lots of record in the following areas* is exempt from coastal development permit requirements, with the exception of dwellings located in the areas listed in subsection (b):


    Solromar (South Coast Community). The developed areas inland of the Pacific Coast Highway zoned CRE, CR and CRPD;


    Silver Strand/Hollywood-by-the-Sea. The entire unincorporated area inland of the first public road (Ocean Avenue) to the boundary of the U.S. Naval Construction Battalion Center zoned RBH;


    Hollywood Beach. The entire unincorporated area inland of the first public road (Ocean Avenue) to the city limits of Oxnard zoned RBH; or


    North Coast Community. Those lots inland of the first row of lots adjacent to the beach and part of the County Service Area 29 zoned RB.


    Single-Family Dwellings described in subsection (a) shall require a coastal development permit when they are located in the following areas:


    Tidelands, submerged lands, or beaches;


    Lots immediately adjacent to the inland extent of the beach, or of the mean high tide line of the sea where there is no beach;


    Lands or waters subject to, or potentially subject to, the public trust;


    Within any stream, wetland, estuary, marsh or lake, or one hundred (100) feet of such areas; or


    Anywhere the policies of the LCP specify a larger geographic area of concern for natural resources, open space, or environmentally sensitive habitat than those areas listed in subsections (b)(1)—(4).

    * See also Exclusion Maps in Categorical Exclusion Order E-83-1 (effective 9/30/1986, amendment effective 2/25/1987).

(Ord. No. 4451, § 4, 12-11-2012)