Article 5. Development Standards/Conditions—Uses  

§ 8175-1. Purpose.
§ 8175-2. Schedule of specific development standards by zone.
§ 8175-2.1. Building coverage standards.
§ 8175-3. General requirements.
§ 8175-3.1. Distance between structures.
§ 8175-3.2. Standards.
§ 8175-3.3. Accessory parking.
§ 8175-3.4. Parking or storage in setbacks.
§ 8175-3.5. Accessory structures as dwellings.
§ 8175-3.6. Connection of structures.
§ 8175-3.8. Clear sight triangles.
§ 8175-3.8.1. Clear sight triangle at intersections with no traffic control.
§ 8175-3.8.2. Clear sight triangle at stop-controlled intersection.
§ 8175-3.8.3. Structures and vegetation within clear sight triangles.
§ 8175-3.9. Setbacks from easements.
§ 8175-3.10. Number of dwellings per lot.
§ 8175-3.11. Fences, walls, and hedges.
§ 8175-3.12. Garages and carports.
§ 8175-3.13. Building height.
§ 8175-3.13.1. Measurement of building height.
§ 8175-3.13.2. Height regulations in the RB and RBH zones.
§ 8175-3.14. Recycling areas.
§ 8175-4. Exceptions to lot, setback and height requirements.
§ 8175-4.1. Accessory structures in setback areas.
§ 8175-4.2. Architectural features.
§ 8175-4.3. Balconies, fire escapes and stairways.
§ 8175-4.4. Porches and decks.
§ 8175-4.5. Chimneys and fireplaces.
§ 8175-4.6. Heating and cooling equipment.
§ 8175-4.7. Depressed ramps.
§ 8175-4.8. Roof structures.
§ 8175-4.9. Non-commercial antennas.
§ 8175-4.10. Wireless communication facilities.
§ 8175-4.11. Water well sites.
§ 8175-4.12. Park and recreational facilities.
§ 8175-4.13. Fire stations.
§ 8175-4.14. Temporary dwellings during construction.
§ 8175-4.15. Setbacks on through lots.
§ 8175-4.16. Swimming pools and spas.
§ 8175-5. Standards and conditions for uses.
§ 8175-5.1. Standards relating to dwellings.
§ 8175-5.1.1. Accessory dwelling units.
§ 8175- Standards for an accessory dwelling unit created within the existing space of a single-family dwelling or attached accessory structure.
§ 8175- Standards for all other accessory dwelling units.
§ 8175-5.2. Standards relating to animals.
§ 8175-5.2.1. Apiculture.
§ 8175-5.2.2. Aviaries.
§ 8175-5.2.3. Keeping of birds.
§ 8175-5.2.4. Animals and fowl.
§ 8175-5.2.5. Kennels.
§ 8175-5.3. Campgrounds.
§ 8175-5.3.1. Minimum lot area shall be three acres.
§ 8175-5.3.2. At least 75 percent of the total site shall be left in its natural state or be landscaped, the remaining 25 per cent land is eligible for development.
§ 8175-5.3.3. Each individual camp site shall be no less than 1000 sq. ft. and there shall be no more than 9 sites per developable acre. Group camp sites shall be designed to accommodate no more than 25 people per acre.
§ 8175-5.3.4. Where needed to enhance aesthetics or to ensure public safety, a fence, wall, landscaping screen, earth mound, or other screening approved by the Planning Director shall enclose the campground.
§ 8175-5.3.5. Utility conduits shall be installed underground in conformance with applicable state and local regulations.
§ 8175-5.3.6. The design of structures and facilities, and the site as a whole, shall be in harmony with the natural surroundings to the maximum feasible extent.
§ 8175-5.3.7. Trash collection areas shall be adequately distributed and enclosed by a six (6) foot high landscape screen, solid wall or fence that is accessible on one (1) side.
§ 8175-5.3.8. Off-road motor vehicle uses are not permitted.
§ 8175-5.3.9. The following standards apply to structures on the site, apart from the personal residence(s) of the property owner, campground director/manager, or caretaker:
§ 8175- Structures are limited to restrooms/showers and a clubhouse for cooking and/or minor recreational purposes.
§ 8175- There shall not be more than one set of enclosed, kitchen-related fixtures.
§ 8175- There shall be no buildings that are used or intended to be used for sleeping.
§ 8175-5.3.10. Campgrounds may include minor accessory recreational uses such as swimming pools (limit one) and tennis courts.
§ 8175-5.3.11. Outdoor tent camping is permitted.
§ 8175-5.3.12. No hook-ups for recreational vehicles are allowed.
§ 8175-5.3.13. Occupation of the site by a guest shall not exceed 30 consecutive days.
§ 8175-5.3.14. Parking standards.
§ 8175-5.4. Camps.
§ 8175-5.4.1. Minimum lot area shall be ten acres, except in the case of camps under permit prior to the adoption of this ordinance, in which case no minimum lot area is specified.
§ 8175-5.4.2. Overnight population of guests and staff shall be limited by the following calculations:
§ 8175- Camps on property zoned Coastal Rural (CR) - lot size in acres × 2.56 = the maximum number of persons to be accommodated overnight.
§ 8175- Camps on property zoned Coastal Rural Exclusive (CRE) - lot size in acres × 10.24 = the maximum number of persons to be accommodated overnight.
§ 8175-5.4.3. Total daily on-site population of guests and staff shall be limited by the following calculations:
§ 8175- Camps on property zoned Coastal Rural (CR) - 5.12 × lot size in acres = total population allowed on site.
§ 8175- Camps on property zoned Coastal Rural Exclusive (CRE) - 20.48 × lot size in acres = total population allowed on site.
§ 8175- A larger total daily population may be allowed for special events, the frequency to be determined by the camp's Use Permit.
§ 8175-5.4.4. Building intensity shall be limited by the following standards:
§ 8175- Overnight accommodations.
§ 8175- All other roofed structures or buildings.
§ 8175- The residence(s) of a limited number of permanent staff such as the director, manager or caretaker are exempt from the limitations of Section 8175- (Overnight Accommodations).
§ 8175- Since the two building intensity standards (Overnight and Total Daily) address distinctly different facilities, they shall not be interchangeable or subject to borrowing or substitutions.
§ 8175-5.4.5. Camp facilities shall have adequate sewage disposal and domestic water.
§ 8175-5.4.6. Camp facility lighting shall be designed so as to not produce a significant amount of light and/or glare at the first off-site receptive use.
§ 8175-5.4.7. Camp facilities shall be developed in accordance with applicable County standards so as not to produce a significant amount of noise.
§ 8175-5.4.8. Occupation of the site by a guest shall not exceed 30 consecutive days.
§ 8175-5.4.9. To ensure that the site remains an integral and cohesive unit, specific methods such as the following should be employed on a case-by-case basis: open space easements requiring CC&R's that restrict further use of the land with the County as a third party; low density zoning to prevent subdivision of the site; and merger of parcels to create one parcel covering the entire site.
§ 8175-5.4.10. To avoid the loss of the site's natural characteristics several methods should be employed on a case-by-case basis to preserve these values: 60% of the total site should remain in its natural state or be landscaped and only passive recreational uses should be permitted.
§ 8175-5.4.11. Parking standards.
§ 8175-5.5. Mobilehome parks.
§ 8175-5.5.1. Mobilehome parks shall be developed in accordance with all applicable standards, including density standards (number of dwellings per unit of lot area), of the zone in which the mobilehome park is located.
§ 8175-5.5.2. A mobilehome park may include, as part of an approved permit, recreational and clubhouse facilities and other accessory uses.
§ 8175-5.6. Film production, temporary.
§ 8175-5.6.1. Film permits required.
§ 8175- Planned development permit.
§ 8175- Zoning Clearance.
§ 8175- Temporary filming on sandy beach areas.
§ 8175-5.6.2. Film Permit application requirements and processing.
§ 8175-5.6.3. Film Permit modifications.
§ 8175-5.6.4. Standards for film production activities in all Zones.
§ 8175-5.6.5. Neighborhood consent.
§ 8175-5.7. Oil and gas resources and related industrial development.
§ 8175-5.7.1. Purpose.
§ 8175-5.7.2. Application.
§ 8175-5.7.3. Definitions.
§ 8175-5.7.4. Prohibition.
§ 8175-5.7.5. Required permits.
§ 8175-5.7.6. Development plan.
§ 8175-5.7.7. Oil development design standards.
§ 8175-5.7.8. Oil development and operational standards.
§ 8175-5.9. Public works facilities.
§ 8175-5.10. Recreational vehicle parks.
§ 8175-5.10.1. Applications.
§ 8175-5.10.2. Development standards.
§ 8175-5.10.3. Site design criteria.
§ 8175-5.10.4. Additional provisions.
§ 8175-5.11. Reserved.
§ 8175-5.12. Shoreline protection devices.
§ 8175-5.12.1. The following standards shall apply to the construction or maintenance of shoreline protective devices such as seawalls, jetties, revetments, groins, or breakwaters:
§ 8175-5.12.2. Prior to the construction of any shoreline protective device, the County may require the preparation of an engineering geology report at the applicant's expense. Such report shall include feasible mitigation measures that will be used, the following applicable information to satisfy the standards of Section 8178-4.1, as well as other provisions of the ordinance and Land Use Plan policies:
§ 8175-5.13. Signs.
§ 8175-5.13.1. Purpose.
§ 8175-5.13.2. Permit requirements.
§ 8175-5.13.3. Prohibited signs.
§ 8175-5.13.4. Signs exempt from a permit.
§ 8175-5.13.5. Zoning Clearance.
§ 8175-5.13.6. Planned Development Permit.
§ 8175-5.13.7. Sign Permit application requirements and processing.
§ 8175-5.13.8. Design criteria.
§ 8175-5.13.9. General sign standards.
§ 8175- Number and dimensions of signs.
§ 8175- Location.
§ 8175- Measurement of sign height.
§ 8175- Maintenance.
§ 8175- Message substitution.
§ 8175-5.13.10. Specific regulations by type of sign.
§ 8175- Back-mounted freestanding signs.
§ 8175- Bench signs.
§ 8175- Canopy signs.
§ 8175- Clocks and thermometers.
§ 8175- Directional signs.
§ 8175- Display structures.
§ 8175- Identification signs, oil and gas development.
§ 8175- Double faced signs.
§ 8175- Flags.
§ 8175- Freestanding signs.
§ 8175- Illuminated signs.
§ 8175- Interpretive signs.
§ 8175- Types of interpretive signs.
§ 8175- Menu boards for drive-through restaurants.
§ 8175- Monument signs.
§ 8175- Sign, noncommercial.
§ 8175- Sign, plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) charging stations.
§ 8175- Political signs.
§ 8175- Projecting signs.
§ 8175- Residential subdivision signs.
§ 8175- Service station signs.
§ 8175- Symbol signs.
§ 8175- Window signs.
§ 8175-5.13.11. Legal nonconforming signs.
§ 8175-5.13.12. Unauthorized signs.
§ 8175-5.13.13. Summary removal of unauthorized signs.
§ 8175-5.14. Temporary building during construction.
§ 8175-5.14.1. Temporary dwellings during reconstruction.
§ 8175-5.15. Caretaker recreational vehicle, accessory.
§ 8175-5.16. Storage of building materials, temporary.
§ 8175-5.17. Grading and brush removal.
§ 8175-5.18. Farm worker and animal caretaker dwelling units.
§ 8175-5.18.1. Farm worker and animal caretaker employment criteria.
§ 8175-5.18.2. Annual verification of farm worker or animal caretaker employment.
§ 8175-5.19. Bed-and-breakfast inns.
§ 8175-5.20. Wireless communication facilities.
§ 8175-5.20.1. Purpose.
§ 8175-5.20.2. Applicability.
§ 8175- Facilities and activities covered.
§ 8175- Facilities and activities not covered.
§ 8175- Wireless communication facilities on government and public works buildings.
§ 8175- Wireless communication facilities for public safety.
§ 8175- Wireless communication facilities located in the public rights-of-way.
§ 8175-5.20.3. Development standards.
§ 8175-5.20.4. Development standards for wireless communication facilities located in the public rights-of-way.
§ 8175-5.20.5. Compliance with federal, state and local law and regulations.
§ 8175- Preemption documentation requirement.
§ 8175-5.20.6. Collocation.
§ 8175-5.20.7. Maintenance and monitoring.
§ 8175-5.20.8. Technical expert review.
§ 8175-5.20.9. Temporary wireless communication facilities.
§ 8175-5.20.10. Permit application requirements.
§ 8175-5.20.11. Permit requirements.
§ 8175-5.20.12. Permit modifications.
§ 8175- Facility modifications subject to a zoning clearance.
§ 8175- Section 6409(a) determination.
§ 8175- Facility modifications subject to a discretionary permit.
§ 8175-5.20.13. Permit period and expiration.
§ 8175-5.20.14. Extensions to the effective period of a discretionary permit (Time extensions).
§ 8175-5.20.15. Nonconforming wireless communication facilities.
§ 8175- Modifications to nonconforming wireless communication facilities.
§ 8175- Permit time extension for nonconforming wireless communication facilities.
§ 8175-5.20.16. Abandonment.
§ 8175-5.20.17. Voluntary termination.
§ 8175-5.20.18. Site restoration.
§ 8175-5.21. Temporary rental of dwellings.
§ 8175-5.21.1. Temporary rental of dwelling must be expressly authorized.
§ 8175-5.21.2. Definitions.
§ 8175-5.21.3. Application.
§ 8175-5.21.4. Permit requirement.
§ 8175- Limited term.
§ 8175-5.21.5. Permit eligibility.
§ 8175- Owner requirements and limitations.
§ 8175- Ineligible dwellings and structures.
§ 8175-5.21.6. Pre-permitting inspection.
§ 8175-5.21.7. Permit application, processing and fees.
§ 8175-5.21.8. Operational standards.
§ 8175- Occupancy limits.
§ 8175- Parking requirements.
§ 8175- Noise.
§ 8175- Events and activities.
§ 8175- Refuse.
§ 8175-5.21.9. Property management requirements.
§ 8175- Owner/property manager requirements.
§ 8175- Posting outside of units; permit notification.
§ 8175- Information in rental agreements, advertisements and listings.
§ 8175- Posting inside of dwellings.
§ 8175- Business license; business taxes; transient occupancy tax.
§ 8175- Insurance.
§ 8175- Defense and indemnification.
§ 8175- Record-keeping.
§ 8175-5.21.10. Inspection and monitoring.
§ 8175- Inspections.
§ 8175- Monitoring.
§ 8175-5.21.11. Complaint and violations.
§ 8175- Complaints.
§ 8175- Violations.
§ 8175-5.21.12. Legal nonconforming short-term rentals and homeshares.