§ 8175-5.1. Standards relating to dwellings.  

Latest version.
  • The following standards and conditions shall apply to all dwellings hereafter constructed, and to the indicated accessory uses and structures:


    Legal Lot Requirement—See Section 8171-4.4.

    (Am. Ord. 4055—2/1/94)


    Sewage Disposal—Sewage disposal shall be provided by means of a system approved by the Environmental Health Division and the Division of Building and Safety.


    Fire Protection—Dwellings shall meet all fire protection requirements of the Ventura County Fire Protection District, including all requirements for construction within the High Fire Hazard Area as set forth in the Ventura County Building Code.


    Mobilehomes Used as Dwelling Units—Mobilehomes may be used as single-family dwellings if the mobilehome was constructed on or after June 15, 1976. Mobilehomes used as accessory dwelling units are also subject to this date limitation, but mobilehomes used as caretaker, farm worker, or animal caretaker dwellings are not.


    Foundation System. Mobilehomes that are used as single-family residences, accessory dwelling unit, caretaker, farm worker, or animal caretaker dwellings shall be installed on a foundation system in compliance with Section 1333 of Title 25 of the California Administrative Code. Mobilehomes renewed under a Continuation Permit shall be in compliance with the applicable provisions of Article 7 (commencing with section 1320) of Chapter 2 of Division 1 of Title 25 of the California Administrative Code.


    Exterior Siding. Exterior siding of a mobilehome used as a single-family dwelling shall extend to the ground level, or to the top of the deck or structural platform where the dwelling is supported on an exposed pile foundation complying with the requirements of the Uniform Building Code, or to the top of a perimeter foundation. For mobilehomes used as caretaker, farm worker, or animal caretaker dwellings, mobilehome skirting shall completely enclose the mobilehome, including the tongue, with a color and material compatible with the mobilehome.


    Mobilehome or Recreational Vehicle as Temporary Dwelling During Construction—A mobilehome or recreational vehicle may be used by the owner(s) of a lot as a temporary dwelling unit for 12 months during construction of a residence for which a building permit is in full force and effect on the same site. The Planning Director may grant one additional 12-month period and a time extension if substantial progress toward construction of the principal residence is being made. Said mobilehome or recreational vehicle shall be connected to the permanent water supply and sewage disposal system approved by the Ventura County Environmental Health Division for the structure under construction. Within 45 days after a clearance for occupancy is issued by the Ventura County Division of Building and Safety, any such recreational vehicle shall be disconnected from such systems and cease being used as a dwelling, and any such mobilehome shall be removed from the site. A temporary mobilehome or recreational vehicle may be accessory to construction on adjacent lots under the same ownership as the lot on which the mobilehome or recreational vehicle is installed.


    Home Occupations—On property containing a dwelling, no commercial activity shall be construed as a valid accessory use to the dwelling unless the activity falls within the definition and regulations of a home occupation. Home occupations are permitted in accordance with the following standards:


    No merchandise, produce or other materials or equipment may be displayed for advertising purposes. Advertising in a telephone book, newspaper, etc., or on a vehicle, shall not divulge the dwelling's location.


    The use shall be carried on only by residents of the dwelling.


    No signs naming or advertising the home occupation are permitted on or off the premises.


    The use shall not generate additional pedestrian or vehicular traffic beyond that considered normal to the neighborhood. Deliveries to the dwelling shall not be excessive and shall not disrupt traffic patterns in the vicinity.


    Home occupations shall not occupy space required for other purposes (off-street parking, interior setbacks, etc.).


    For each dwelling unit, there shall be no more than one (1) commercial vehicle parked on the property related to the home occupation. For the purpose of this section, a vehicle with external lettering or other script pertaining to the home occupation is considered to be a commercial vehicle. The parking space shall comply with Section 8176-3.4, Accessory Parking and Storage of Oversized Vehicles.


    The existence of a home occupation shall not be evident beyond the boundaries of the property on which it is conducted. There shall be no internal or external alterations not customarily found in residences.


    The use of electrical or mechanical equipment that would create visible or audible interference in radio or television receivers is prohibited.




    Wet Bars—


    Wet bars shall be separate from kitchens;


    No more than one (1) wet bar is permitted per dwelling unit;


    Wet bars shall contain no electrical outlets in excess of one hundred ten (110) volts;


    Plumbing connected to the bar sink drain shall be no greater than one and one-quarter (1¼) inches in diameter and shall not include plumbing stub-outs;


    Wet bars located in the RB and RBH zones shall have no gas outlets or gas stub-outs, nor shall they have more than one (1) bar sink fixture with one (1) sink well.


    Non-Commercial Antennas—Ground-mounted, non-commercial antennas may be installed as an accessory use to a dwelling. Such antennas are subject to the following standards:


    The crank-up type of antenna should be used.


    All antennas should be color-coordinated to harmonize with background material to reduce visual impacts.


    The most unobtrusive location for the antenna shall be used.


    Appropriate screening materials such as fencing or landscaping may be required.


    A site plan of the subject property, showing property lines, all structures, paved areas, walls, setbacks, major vegetation, nearby streets and proposed location of the installation is required. Also, elevations of the subject installation are required as well as elevations of affected buildings and architectural features. The height, nature, texture and color of all materials to be used for the installation, including landscape materials, are also required.


    The maximum height is seventy-five (75) feet (see Section 8175-4.9).


    Exterior Storage of Materials—Permitted as an accessory use to a dwelling, shall be subject to the following conditions:


    The exterior storage of materials may be placed within three (3) feet of one (1) interior lot line, and to rear lot lines, but shall not intrude into any required front or street-side setback.


    All materials must be stored at least six (6) feet from any structure.


    The exterior storage of materials shall not exceed an aggregate area of two hundred (200) square feet and shall not exceed a height of six (6) feet.


    Materials stored may include, but are not limited to, inoperative vehicles, equipment, building materials, scrap metal, or personal or household items.


    Materials or equipment kept on any premises for use in construction of any building on said premises for which a Zoning Clearance and necessary building permits are obtained and in force are exempt from the exterior storage provisions of subsections (j)(2) and (3). However, such storage shall be neat and orderly, and shall not exceed an area equal to one hundred (100) percent of the gross floor area of the building under construction. Stored materials shall be installed within one hundred eighty (180) days of their placement on the lot; however, the Planning Director may grant a time extension for good cause, based on a written request from the applicant.


    Materials or equipment customarily used on a farm or ranch are also exempt from the exterior storage provisions of subsections (j)(2) and (3).


    Exterior storage shall be consistent with all provisions of the LCP.


    Real Estate Tract Sales Office, Temporary—a temporary real estate sales office for the limited purpose of conducting sale only of lots or houses in the subdivision tract may be maintained for a period of 18 months or until all of the lots in the subdivision have been sold, whichever is earlier.

(Am. Ord. 4055—2/1/94; Am. Ord. 4283—6/3/03; Ord. No. 4451, §§ 5, 9, 12-11-2012; Ord. No. 4492, § 3, 6-21-2016; Ord. No. 4498, § 3, 12-6-2016; Ord. No. 4520, § 3, 2-27-2018)