§ 8175- Types of interpretive signs.  

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  • a.

    Historical Sites—Interpretive signs in association with historical sites should be developed based on the recommendations of the Cultural Heritage Board. Sign copy shall be directly related to the historic structure or point of interest.


    Cultural Resource Sites—Interpretive signs in association with cultural resources sites should be developed based on the recommendations of the State Historic Preservation Officer. Sign copy shall designate a point of cultural interest and not an undisclosed confidential cultural resource site that would encourage potential site vandalism.


    Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Areas—Interpretive signs should be developed based on the recommendations of a qualified biologist and/or in consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Sign copy shall be directly related to the resource it is protecting and/or describing. The sign shall be located in an area that is the least damaging to ESHAs and associated buffer areas.

(Ord. No. 4492, § 3, 6-21-2016)