§ 8175-5.20.10. Permit application requirements.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to meeting standard application requirements of Section 8181-5, the applicant requesting a new or modified wireless communication facility permit shall be required to submit the following information.


    Project Description: A written project description for the proposed wireless communication facility that includes, but is not limited to, a general description of the existing land use setting, the type of facility, visibility from public viewing areas, proximity to ESHA, proximity to coastal access and public trails, stealth design features, propagation diagrams, on and off-site access, grading, fuel modification requirements, landscaping, and facility components (support structure, antennas, equipment shelters or cabinets, emergency back-up generators with fuel storage, security measures, etc.).


    Visual Impact Analysis: A visual impact analysis includes photo simulations and other visual information, as necessary, to determine visual impact of the proposed wireless communication facility on the existing setting or to determine compliance with design standards established by this Section. At least three (3) photo simulations shall include "before" and "after" renderings of the site, its surroundings, the proposed facility and antennas at maximum height, and any structures, vegetation, or topography that will visually screen or blend the proposed facility into its setting when viewed from a public viewing area. The visual impact analysis should include views from the closest or most prominent public viewing areas to the proposed facility. For building-mounted wireless communication facilities that cannot be seen from a public viewing area, include a close-in simulation which shows the relationship between the proposed facility and surrounding buildings or architectural features. All photo simulations and other graphic illustrations shall include accurate scale and coloration of the proposed facility.


    Authorization and License Information: A letter of authorization from the property owner and the communications carrier that demonstrates knowledge and acceptance of the applicant's proposed project's structures and uses on the subject property. This information shall also include a copy of the FCC radio spectrum lease agreement or the FCC registration number (FRN).


    FCC Compliance: Documentation prepared by a qualified radio frequency engineer that demonstrates the proposed wireless communication facility will operate in compliance with applicable FCC Regulations. Documentation of FCC compliance shall be required for all wireless communication facility permits, including permit modifications.


    Site Plan and Design Specifications: This documentation shall fully describe the project proposed, all on- and off-site improvements, and include information such as: scale, property information, facility dimension/orientation, a vicinity map, a project information list, delineated physical site features, grading statistics, elevation plans, manufacturer equipment specifications, and components required to address fire prevention, water conservation, and satisfy other regulatory requirements.


    Maintenance and Monitoring Plan: A maintenance and monitoring plan shall describe the type and frequency of required maintenance activities to ensure continuous upkeep of the facility and other components of the project.


    Noise/Acoustical Information: This documentation shall include manufacturer's specifications for all noise-generating and noise attenuating equipment, such as air conditioning units and back-up generators, as well as a scaled diagram or site plan that depicts the equipment location in relation to adjoining properties.


    Hazardous Materials: This documentation shall include the quantity, type, purpose, and storage location for containment of hazardous materials, such as the fuel and battery back-up equipment, proposed for the wireless communication facility.

    The Planning Division may require that the applicant submit the following additional application materials and information as well:


    Propagation Diagram: Propagation diagrams showing the type and extent of the signal coverage of the applicable regulated carrier shall be required if the proposed wireless communication facility would exceed thirty (30) feet in height, and may be required at lower heights if the facility is proposed on or along a ridge, within the Santa Monica Mountains (M) overlay zone, or is visible from a public viewing area. Propagation diagrams shall be required if either of the Telecommunications Act factors in subsections (a) or (b) of Section 8175- are asserted. One (1) or more propagation diagrams or other evidence may be required to demonstrate that the proposed wireless communication facility is the minimum height necessary to provide adequate service (i.e., radio frequency coverage) in an area served by the carrier proposing the facility. Existing obstacles such as buildings, topography, or vegetation that cannot adequately be represented in the propagation diagrams, yet may cause significant signal loss and therefore require additional facility height, should be clearly described and/or illustrated through additional visual analyses, such as line-of-sight or 3-D modeling diagrams.


    Alternative Site Analysis: An alternative site analysis shall be required if the wireless communication facility is proposed as a non-stealth facility (Sec. 8175-5.20.3(b) or is sited outside a "preferred" location (Sec. 8175-55.20.3(e)). An alternative sites analysis also may be required, as needed, to determine that the facility is sited in a manner that is most protective of coastal resources. The alternative site analysis shall include the following documentation:


    Substantial evidence that the applicant has attempted to site the facility in accordance with the preferred, neutral, non-preferred, and restricted location "siting criteria" in Section 8175-5.20.3(d), (e), (f), and (g);


    Analysis of alternative sites and facility configurations, including potential collocation and locations outside of the coastal zone, that would provide coverage of the subject area as demonstrated on a series of alternative propagation diagrams;


    Analysis and conclusions, prepared by an applicable qualified professional, that describes how each alternative site will avoid or minimize impacts on coastal resources (e.g., ESHA, public access, scenic resources, etc.) to the maximum extent feasible, consistent with the provisions of the LCP;


    Demonstrated efforts to secure alternative sites or collocate the proposed facility on an existing facility - including copies of correspondence sent to other landowners, carriers, or wireless communication facility owners requesting a site lease or collocation on their facilities. If alternative sites or collocation are not feasible, the applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Planning Division that technical, physical, or legal obstacles render alternative sites or collocation infeasible.

    Lack of ownership, leases, or permits for alternate sites shall not suffice as a valid consideration regarding the feasibility of alternate sites unless the applicant demonstrates that substantial efforts were made to obtain ownership, leases or permits for alternate sites.

    The table provided below generally summarizes when an alternative sites analysis is required and how the information will be used to verify that the wireless communication facility is necessary:

    Siting Criteria
    (Sec. 8175-5.20.3(d))
    and Facility Type
    (Sec. 8175-5.20.3(b))
    Alternative Sites
    (Sec. 8175-5.20.10(j))
    Federal Telecommunications Act Preemption
    (Sec. 8175-5.20.5)
    Technical Expert
    (Sec. 8175-5.20.3(a))*
    Preferred Location
    Neutral Location X
    Non-Preferred Location X X
    Non-Stealth Facility ≤ 80 feet in height X X
    Restricted Location X X X
    Non-Stealth Facility > 80 feet in height X X X


    * Section 8175-5.20.8 states that the County may contract for technical expert review for any proposed wireless communication facility.


    Landscape Documentation Package: When a landscape documentation package is required, it shall be prepared pursuant to the water efficient landscaping requirements of Section 8178-8. See appendix L1 for landscape plan requirements.


    Geotechnical Requirements: A geotechnical report, prepared by a California licensed engineer or a California certified engineering geologist with experience in soils engineering, shall include information such as: soils and geologic characteristics of the site, foundation design criteria, slope stability analysis; grading criteria and other pertinent information that evaluates potential geologic, fault, and liquefaction hazards, recommendations to minimize any hazards, and proposed mitigation.


    Consent to Future Collocation: A written statement shall be provided that states whether or not the applicant consents to the future collocation of other wireless communication facility carriers on the proposed facility (see Section 8175-5.20.6).


    Additional Information: Additional information determined by the Planning Division as necessary for processing the requested wireless communication facility entitlement.

(Ord. No. 4498, § 3, 12-6-2016)