§ 8175- Posting outside of units; permit notification.  

Latest version.
  • a.

    At all times a dwelling is in use as a short-term rental or homeshare, the designated property manager's contact information and the contact information for the County Resource Management Agency's Code Compliance Division ("Code Compliance Division") shall be printed legibly on a sign no larger than eight and one-half (8.5) × eleven (11) inches and posted on an outside wall readily visible from the main entrance to the dwelling, or adjacent to the main entry gate where property access is limited.


    The Planning Division shall provide a mailed notice of permit issuance, and of each permit renewal, in accordance with Section 8181-6.2.1. At a minimum, the notice shall include: (i) a copy of this Section; (ii) the name and contact information for the designated property manager of a short-term rental, or owner of a homeshare; and (iii) contact information for the Code Compliance Division.

(Ord. No. 4522, § 4, 6-12-2018)