§ 8175-5.6.2. Film Permit application requirements and processing.  

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  • a.

    A film permit application shall be signed by the applicant or authorized agent thereof and filed with the Planning Division in accordance with Section 8181-5. In addition to the information required pursuant to Section 8181-5, the application shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following information and materials:


    A site map using an aerial image of the film location and film permit area(s). The site map shall include the following information:


    Street address for all film permit locations;


    Assessor Parcels Number(s) for all film permit locations;


    Delineation of the film permit area boundary(ies);


    Graphic representation and labeling of the film production activities including but not limited to the film base camp, location of generators, lighting and audio equipment.


    Until a film permit is issued, the applicant may, upon written request to the Planning Division, change the film permit location, the film permit area, or the time or date of film production activities without the submittal of a new permit application or payment of permit modification fees.


    Once a film permit is issued, a film permit modification and payment of film permit modification fee(s) shall be required for any change to a film permit.


    Film permit applications shall be processed in accordance with the applicable provisions of Article 11, Entitlements—Process and Procedures.


    Zoning Clearance—A minimum of three (3) working days is required to process a Zoning Clearance film permit. If neighborhood consent is a prerequisite to permit approval pursuant to Section 8175-5.6.5, a minimum of five (5) working days is required to process a film permit.


    Planned Development Permit—The public hearing for a Planned Development Permit may be waived pursuant to Section 8181-6.2.3. Following the approval of a Planned Development Permit, the permittee shall obtain a separate Zoning Clearance prior to initiating the permitted use or activity in accordance with Section 8181-3.1.

(Ord. No. 4492, § 3, 6-21-2016)