§ 8175-5.7.6. Development plan.  

Latest version.
  • A development plan shall accompany the application for a permit, and shall include the following information:


    The location of drilling and/or production sites, storage tanks, pipelines and access roads.


    Plans for the consolidation, to the maximum extent feasible, of drilling and/or production facilities, as well as accessory facilities.


    A phasing plan for the staging of development that indicates the approximately anticipated timetable for project installation, completion and decommissioning.


    A plan for eliminating or substantially mitigating adverse impacts on habitat areas, prime agricultural lands, recreational areas, scenic resources and archaeological sites due to siting, construction, or operation of facilities.


    Grading plans for all facilities requiring the movement of greater than fifty (50) cubic yards of dirt. For any development requiring a grading permit, either (1) a Storm Water Pollution Control Plan (SWPCP) shall be prepared, submitted, and approved in accordance with the Ventura County Municipal Storm Water Permit, Order No. 00-108, Part 4—Special Provisions, D. Programs for Construction Sites, or (2) a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be prepared, submitted, and approved in accordance with the State General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity, whichever is applicable.


    A description of means by which all oil and gas will be transported off-site to a marketing point.


    A description of the procedures for the transport and disposal of all solid and liquid wastes.


    Oil spill prevention and control measures.


    Fire prevention procedures.


    Emission control equipment.


    Procedures for the abandonment and restoration of the site.


    Compliance with any other requirement of the Ventura County Ordinance Code related to oil and gas development.


    All facilities supporting oil and gas development must comply with the terms and requirements of the State General Industrial Activities Stormwater Permit, including the development and submittal of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan.

(Rep. & Reen. Ord. 4249—11/20/01; Ord. No. 4451, § 9, 12-11-2012)