§ 8176-2.3.1. Off-site parking for non-residential uses.  

Latest version.
  • Off-site parking for non-residential land uses may be provided at a site remote from the land use if all of the following conditions can be met:


    The off-site parking area is located within five hundred (500) feet of the land use to be served. The distance from the off-site parking area to the land use to be served shall be measured along an ADA approved sidewalk or other pedestrian pathway from the nearest off-site parking space to the nearest public entrance to the building.


    Planning Director Modifications. The provision of off-street parking spaces at a site more than five hundred (500) feet from the land use to be served may be approved if the applicant can demonstrate to the Director that such off-site parking will actually be used as intended and the displacement of on-street parking used for public coastal access is avoided.


    The applicant provides documentation demonstrating that the off-site parking area is capable of meeting parking demand for both the land use to be served and any other land uses dependent upon the off-site parking area, including coastal access.


    The off-site parking area meets the design standards of Section 8176-5.


    The off-site parking area can be accessed easily from the primary land use and does not expose pedestrians to hazardous traffic safety conditions or create a traffic hazard.


    The number of off-site parking spaces assigned to the property to be served does not exceed the allowed number of parking spaces for the land use.

(Ord. No. 4492, § 4, 6-21-2016)