§ 8176-2.3.2. Off-site parking for Residential Beach (RB) Zone.  

Latest version.
  • a.

    RB Zoned property required parking for existing dwellings may be satisfied in an off-site garage subject to the issuance of a Planned Development Permit applicable to both the dwelling and the garage if all of the following requirements are met:


    The lot with the principal dwelling is either too small to construct two (2) covered parking spaces without approval of a variance, or there is no room on the lot for two (2) covered spaces because of the location of the existing, legally constructed principal dwelling;


    The neighboring lot where the garage would be located is smaller than the minimum lot area required for the RB zone, is not served by a community sewer system, is located within one thousand (1,000) feet of the lot with the principal dwelling, and owned by the same person(s) or entity as the lot with the principal dwelling;


    Both lots must be held in common ownership pursuant to a condition in the Planned Development Permit;


    Only a garage, a maximum eight hundred (800) square feet in size, may be built. Carports, or other open-type structures are not allowed;


    The garage may not be leased or rented separately from the principal dwelling;


    The garage must be constructed to look like a dwelling to the extent feasible, all RB zone setbacks must be met, the maximum height to any point must be no greater than fifteen (15) feet, and a paved driveway must be provided;


    No services except electrical are permitted inside the building; and


    Landscaping may be required for compatibility with the neighborhood.

(Ord. No. 4492, § 4, 6-21-2016)