§ 8176-2.3.3. Off-site parking agreements.  

Latest version.
  • The following requirements shall apply whenever the motor vehicle parking required by this Article is not located on the same site as the land use it serves.


    The lot or part of a lot on which the parking is provided shall be legally encumbered by a recorded lease or similar agreement between the off-site property owner and permittee and in a form approved by the Planning Director to ensure continued use of the lot or part of a lot for motor vehicle parking. The approved agreement shall be recorded with the Ventura County Recorder so that it appears on the off-site property's title. The agreement shall include the following provisions:


    The agreement may not be released or terminated without the prior notice and written consent of the Director.


    The agreement shall identify the permittee(s), successors, and assigns authorized to utilize the parking area, and addresses of the other land uses sharing the parking.


    The agreement shall identify the location and number of parking spaces that are being shared.


    The agreement shall identify the persons responsible for maintaining the parking area.


    The permittee shall ensure that permanent, weatherproof signs providing clear and easy-to-follow directions for access to and from the off-site parking location are placed and maintained as follows:


    There shall be one (1) sign at each site or parking area entrance. The signs may be placed at building entrances or other appropriate locations if it is demonstrated that such placement would provide superior information to parking users.


    Information on the signs shall be readable by a person seated in a vehicle at the nearest driveway. Use of graphics (e.g., maps and arrows) is encouraged to supplement written directions.


    Signs shall be placed and designed pursuant to the provisions of Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance Article 10 if the off-site parking area is in the non-coastal area, or the Coastal Zoning Ordinance Article 5 Section 8175-5.13 if the off-site parking area is in the coastal area, and are subject to approval by the Planning Director.

(Ord. No. 4492, § 4, 6-21-2016)