§ 8176-3.7. Table of parking space requirements by land use.  

Latest version.
  • The table below indicates the number of required off-street motor vehicle and bicycle parking spaces that shall be provided for various land uses. For residential and nonresidential land uses, the number of motor vehicle parking spaces set forth in the table below represents the minimum required number of spaces, unless a reduction to that requirement is granted pursuant to Section 8176-3.8.

    The number of motor vehicle parking spaces required in this section is intended to address the needs of residents, employees and regular users of an establishment. The number is not intended to reflect the need for parking large delivery trucks, vans or buses, storage of vehicle inventory, or other specialty parking needs related to the operation of specific land uses.

    The Planning Director has the authority to determine the parking space requirements for any land use not specifically listed based on the requirements for the most comparable land use. For such uses, the Planning Director or decision-making body must find that the required number of parking spaces is sufficient to avoid displacement of parking spaces utilized by off-site land uses or by the public for costal access. The required number of parking spaces is subject to the calculation procedures, including exceptions and allowances, specified in Section 8176-4.


    Buildings for the Growing, Packing, Storage or Preliminary Processing of Agricultural Products 1 space per full time employee plus 2 spaces per acre. Or as determined by decision-making body.
    Contractor's Service and Storage Yards and Buildings As determined by decision-making body
    Produce Stands, Retail, Accessory to Crop Production Minimum of 3 spaces
    Retail Nurseries not in an Enclosed Building. 1 space per 2,000 sf of outside display area LT: 1 space per 25 employees
    ST: 3% of required motor vehicles
    Agricultural Uses not Otherwise Listed As determined by decision-making body As determined by decision-making body
    Art Galleries and Studios 1 per 250 sf of GFA LT: 1 space per 25 employees ST: 6% of required motor vehicle spaces
    Assembly Uses First 3,000 sf of GFA: 1 space per 125 sf; plus over 3,001 sf of GFA: 1 space per 550 sf; plus auditorium or main assembly room: 1 space per 70 sf of GFA; plus spaces as needed for accessory uses as determined by decision-making body. ST: 10% of required motor vehicle spaces.
    Automobile Repairing 1 space per 150 sf of GFA LT: 1 space per 25 employees
    ST: 3% of required motor vehicle spaces
    Automobile Service Station, Without Retail 1 space
    Fueling stations shall not be counted toward meeting the motor vehicle parking space requirements
    ST: 3% of required motor vehicle spaces; minimum of 1 space
    Automobile Service Station, With Retail 1 space, plus 1 space per 250 sf GFA of retail use
    Fueling stations shall not be counted toward meeting the motor vehicle parking space requirements
    ST: 3% of the required motor vehicle spaces; minimum 1 space
    Banks, savings and loans and related offices and institutions 1 space per 250 sf of GFA LT: 1 space per 30 employees
    ST: 5% of the required motor vehicle spaces
    Barber and Beauty Shops 2 spaces for each of the first 2 beauty or barber chairs, plus 1 space for each additional chair. As determined by decision-making body
    Bars, Taverns and Nightclubs See "Restaurants, Cafes and Cafeterias" LT: 1 space per 25 employees
    ST: 10% of the required motor vehicle spaces
    Boardinghouses, Rooming Houses, Bed-And-Breakfast Inns 1 space per bedroom, plus 1 space per caretaker-manager ST: 2 spaces
    Bus Terminals 1 space per 20 sf of waiting area, plus 1 space per 300 sf of office space, plus parking for any accessory uses As determined by decision-making body
    Day Care Center 1 space per each employee, plus 1 space per 5 children As determined by decision-making body
    Family Day Care Home See "Single-Family and Two-Family Dwellings" As determined by the decision-making body
    Care Facility, Residential 0.5 spaces per bed LT: 1 space per 15 residents (not required if the care facility is for people unable to use bicycles, such as convalescents or the physically disabled) and 1 space for 25 employees
    ST: 1 space per 20 residents
    Carwashes, Automatic Queuing for 6 vehicles pursuant to Section 8176-7.1.4
    Carwashes, Self-Service 1 space per washing stall
    Conference Center/Convention Center See "Assembly Uses" See "Assembly Uses"
    Health Clinic, Medical and Dental 1 space per 200 sf GFA LT: 3% of the required motor vehicle spaces, or 1 space per 30 employees (as determined appropriate by decision-making body)
    ST: 3% of the required motor vehicle spaces, minimum one space
    Hotels, Motels, Boatels 1 space per unit, plus 1 space per caretaker-manager LT: 1 space per 25 employees
    ST: 1 space per 1,000 sf GFA of banquet and meeting room space; minimum of 2 spaces
    Kennels 1 space per each employee, plus 1 space for each 500 sf outdoor shelter areas As determined by decision-making body
    Laundry and Dry Cleaning Establishments 1 space per 200 sf of GFA As determined by decision-making body
    Libraries 1 space per 250 sf GFA LT: 1 space per 25 employees ST: 8% of the required motor vehicle spaces
    Liquor Store 1 space per 250 sf of GFA ST: 3% of required motor vehicle spaces.
    Offices: Business, Professional and Administrative 1 space per 250 sf GFA LT: 3% of the required motor vehicle spaces or 1 space per 30 employees (as appropriate per Planning Director)
    ST: 3% of required motor vehicle spaces.
    Parking Lots, Public As determined by decision-making body ST: 5% of required motor vehicle parking spaces
    Public Service and Public Utility Buildings Offices: 1 space per 250 sf Other buildings: specified by permit Automated and unattended: None LT: 1 space per 30 employees
    Restaurants, cafes, cafeterias and similar establishments 1 space per 100 sf GFA of dining areas including outdoor customer dining area.
    With public seating: 10 spaces
    Without public seating (take out or delivery only): 6 spaces
    LT: 1 space per 25 employees
    ST: 10% of the required motor vehicle spaces
    Retail Trade 1 space per 250 sf of GFA As determined by decision-making body
    Schools: Boarding As determined by decision-making body As determined by decision-making body
    Schools: Elementary, Junior High, Middle 1 space per 8 students of planned capacity
    See Sec. 8176-7.2 for on-site queue storage length to accommodate parent vehicles drop-off and pick-up.
    LT: 1 space per 30 employees
    ST: 1 space (gated) per 12 students of planned capacity.
    Schools: High Schools, Community College Facilities 1 space per 4 students of planned capacity LT: 1 space per 30 employees ST: 1 space (gated) per 16 students of planned capacity.
    Veterinary Clinics 1 space for each 200 sf GFA LT: 1 space per 25 employees ST: 2% of the required motor vehicle spaces
    Youth Hostel 1 space per 2 beds
    1 space per 200 sf gross floor area for eating establishment
    1 space per 100 sf of assembly areas
    ST: 2 spaces
    Uses not Otherwise Listed As determined by decision-making body As determined by decision-making body
    Laboratories, Research, Scientific, Medical or Dental 1 space for each 200 sf GFA LT: 1 space per 30 employees
    Recycling Facilities and Centers As determined by decision-making body LT: 1 space per 25 employees
    Uses not Otherwise Listed As determined by decision-making body As determined by decision-making body
    Camps 1 space per 2 overnight guests (see Sec. 8175-5.4.2), plus 1 space per every three persons allowed as total daily on-site population (see Sec. 8175-5.4.3), plus 1 space per full-time employee As determined by decision-making body
    Campgrounds/Recreational Vehicle Parks 1 space per campsite or table, plus 1 space per full-time employee, plus 1 space per 25 campsites (or fraction thereof) for guest parking, to be located near the facility office (3 guest spaces minimum). As determined by decision-making body
    Clubhouses and Community Centers See "Assembly Uses" See "Assembly Uses"
    Fields, Athletic 1 parking space per 3,000 sf of field area;
    1 parking space per six linear feet of portable (or fixed) spectator seating area;
    Minimum 20 spaces
    ST: 10% of the required motor vehicle spaces
    Golf Course 3 spaces per hole
    Commercial Use (i.e., pro shop) 1 space/200 s.f. of building area for commercial purposes LT: 1 space per 25 employees
    ST: 2% of the required motor vehicle spaces
    Eating or Drinking Establishment (i.e., café, restaurant) See "Restaurants, Cafes and Cafeterias"
    Driving Range 1 space per tee
    Parks and Picnic Grounds Minimum 5 spaces ST: 10% of the required motor vehicle spaces
    Campgrounds 1 space per campsite or table, plus 2 spaces per 25 campsites, plus parking for any accessory uses As determined by the decision-maker
    Swimming Pools, Public 1 space per 200 sf of pool area
    1 space per 300 sf of GFA area related to the pool and facilities
    LT: 1 space per 25 employees
    ST: 10% of the required motor vehicle spaces
    Tennis and Racquetball Courts 2 spaces per court LT: 1 space per 25 employees
    ST: 10% of the required motor vehicle spaces
    Uses not Otherwise Listed As determined by decision-making body As determined by the decision-maker
    Bachelor or Studio Type Dwelling 1 covered space per unit
    Caretaker or Farmworker
    Single Family Dwellings
    1 space for 1 bedroom or less
    2 spaces for 2-4 bedrooms
    3 spaces for 5 bedrooms
    Mobilehome Parks
     Resident Parking
     Visitor Parking
    (required if internal streets are less than 32 feet wide)
    2 spaces per unit
    1 space per each 4 units, in addition to parking spaces required for residents
    Multi-Family Dwelling Units See Sec. 8176-4.7.1
    Accessory Dwelling Units 1 covered/uncovered space (in addition to the spaces required for the principal dwelling unit)
    No additional parking is required for accessory dwelling units that meet the provisions of Sec. 8175-
    Single-Family and Two-Family Dwellings
     1-4 Bedrooms (per unit) 2 covered spaces
     5 Bedrooms (per unit) 3 spaces (2 shall be covered )
     6 or More Bedrooms (per unit) 4 spaces (2 shall be covered )


    ST: Short-term bicycle parking spaces, generally bike racks.

    LT: Long-term bicycle parking spaces, generally enclosed lockers.

    See Section 8176-5, Bicycle Parking Design Standards

    Replacement parking for the principal dwelling unit, as a result of the garage being demolished or converted to an accessory dwelling unit, may be located in any configuration on the same lot as the accessory dwelling unit and as uncovered or tandem spaces, pursuant to Section 8175- and Section 8175-

    Except that on parcels larger than one (1) acre located in CA, OS, and CRE zones, parking may be uncovered.

(Ord. No. 4492, § 4, 6-21-2016; Ord. No. 4520, § 4, 2-27-2018)