§ 8176-6.2. Schools.  

Latest version.
  • For the purpose of providing a safe, on-site stacking space for parent drop-off and pickup, and to prevent traffic congestion or public safety hazards related to vehicle queues on adjacent roadways, the following standards shall apply for public or private schools:


    Drop-off/pick-up zones should provide a one-way traffic flow in a counterclockwise direction so that students are loaded and unloaded directly to the curb/sidewalk.


    An adequate driveway length shall be provided on-site for queuing vehicles.


    Calculate the vehicle queuing capacity as follows:


    The length of the queuing lane shall provide twenty (20) feet per vehicle; and


    Calculate the number of vehicles within the queue by multiplying 1.35 times the projected number of peak hour trips (excluding employees). The number of peak hour trips may be reduced, at the discretion of the Planning Director, when the applicant demonstrates that walking, bicycling, or transit will result in a reduced number of peak hour trips.

(Ord. No. 4492, § 4, 6-21-2016)