Article 7. Standards For Specific Zones  

§ 8177-1. Standards for Coastal Residential Planned Development (CRPD) zone.
§ 8177-1.1. Subzones and density standards.
§ 8177-1.2. General standards.
§ 8177-1.3. Setback regulations.
§ 8177-1.4. Circulation.
§ 8177-1.5. Open space requirements.
§ 8177-2. Standards for Coastal Commercial (CC) zone.
§ 8177-2.1. Lighting.
§ 8177-2.2. Undergrounding of utilities.
§ 8177-2.3. Enclosed building requirement.
§ 8177-2.4. Building coverage.
§ 8177-2.5. Construction materials.
§ 8177-3. Standards for Coastal Industrial (CM) zone.
§ 8177-3.1. Use of required setback areas.
§ 8177-3.2. Undergrounding of utilities.
§ 8177-3.3. Private streets.
§ 8177-3.4. Exterior storage.
§ 8177-3.5. Construction materials.
§ 8177-3.6. Performance standards.
§ 8177-3.6.1. Noise, smoke, dust, odors, etc.
§ 8177-3.6.2. Hazards.
§ 8177-3.6.3. Liquid and solid wastes.
§ 8177-3.6.4. Exceptions.
§ 8177-3.7. Compliance.
§ 8177-3.7.1. Required data.
§ 8177-3.7.2. Failure to submit data.
§ 8177-3.7.3. Report by expert consultants.
§ 8177-3.7.4. Decision on compliance.
§ 8177-3.7.5. Revocation of approvals.
§ 8177-3.7.6. Effect of other regulations.
§ 8177-4. Standards and procedures for Santa Monica Mountains (M) overlay zone.
§ 8177-4.1. Development standards.
§ 8177-4.1.1. New development, including all private and public recreational uses, shall preserve all unique vegetation such as Coreopsis gigantea (giant coreopsis) and Dudleya cymosa ssp. Marcescens (marcescent dudleya).
§ 8177-4.1.2. All new upland development shall be sited and designed to avoid adverse impacts on environmentally sensitive habitat areas.