Article 8. General Development Standards/Conditions—Resource Protection  

§ 8178-1. Purpose.
§ 8178-2. Environmentally sensitive habitat areas (ESHA).
§ 8178-2.1. Permitted uses.
§ 8178-2.2. Identification of environmentally sensitive habitat areas (ESHA).
§ 8178-2.3. Recreational projects.
§ 8178-2.4. Specific standards.
§ 8178-3. Archaeological and paleontological resources.
§ 8178-3. Archaeological and paleontological resources
§ 8178-3.1. Archaeological resources.
§ 8178-3.1.1. Applicability.
§ 8178-3.1.2. Methodology.
§ 8178- Initial evaluation.
§ 8178- Phase I Inventory.
§ 8178- Archaeological resources determined to be historic resources.
§ 8178- Phase II Evaluation.
§ 8178- Phase III Mitigation.
§ 8178-3.1.3. Monitoring.
§ 8178-3.1.4. Mitigation.
§ 8178-3.2. Paleontological resources.
§ 8178-3.2.1. Applicability.
§ 8178-3.2.2. Methodology.
§ 8178-3.2.3. Monitoring.
§ 8178-3.2.4. Mitigation.
§ 8178-4. Mitigation of potential hazards.
§ 8178-4.1. All new development shall be evaluated for potential impacts to, and from, geologic hazards (including seismic hazards, landslides, expansive soils, subsidence, etc.), flood hazards and fire hazards. New development shall be sited and designed to minimize risks to life and property in areas such as floodplains, blufftops, twenty (20) percent or greater slopes, or shorelines, where such hazards may exist. New development shall be sited and designed so as not to cause or contribute to flood hazards, or lead to the expenditure of public funds for flood control works. Feasible mitigation measures shall be required where necessary.
§ 8178-4.2. If the available data indicates that a new development as proposed will not assure stability and structural integrity and minimize risks to life and property in areas of potential hazards, or will create or contribute significantly to erosion or geologic instability, then the County shall require the preparation of an engineering geology report at the applicant's expense. Such report shall be in accordance with all applicable provisions of this Article and of the Coastal Area Plan policies, and shall include feasible mitigation measures that will be used in the proposed development, as well as the following applicable information to satisfy the standards of Section 8178-4.1:
§ 8178-4.3. Structures for human habitation (regularly, habitually, or primarily occupied by humans) shall be set back a minimum of 50 feet from an active fault. This setback may be increased when geologic conditions warrant.
§ 8178-5. Agricultural lands.
§ 8178-6. Beach access.
§ 8178-6.1. The granting of an easement to allow vertical access to the mean high tide line shall be mandatory unless:
§ 8178-7. Tree Protection Regulations.
§ 8178-7.1. Purpose.
§ 8178-7.2. Applicability.
§ 8178-7.3. Types of protected trees.
§ 8178-7.3.1. Trees that contribute to the function and habitat value of an ESHA.
§ 8178-7.3.2. Native trees.
§ 8178-7.3.3. Historic trees.
§ 8178-7.3.4. Heritage trees.
§ 8178-7.4. Development standards for protected trees.
§ 8178-7.4.1. General standards.
§ 8178-7.4.2. Tree removal and alteration.
§ 8178-7.4.3. Determining the tree protected zone.
§ 8178-7.4.4. Project construction standards.
§ 8178-7.5. Tree Permits.
§ 8178-7.5.1. Planned Development Permit.
§ 8178- Planned Development Permit findings.
§ 8178- Modifications to a Discretionary Permit.
§ 8178-7.5.2. Zoning Clearance.
§ 8178- Zoning Clearance with inspection.
§ 8178-7.5.3. Exemptions.
§ 8178-7.5.4. Emergency tree alteration or removal.
§ 8178-7.6. Mitigation requirements.
§ 8178-7.6.1. Tree replacement for altered or removed protected trees.
§ 8178-7.7. Tree Permit application requirements.
§ 8178-7.7.1. Exemptions.
§ 8178-7.7.2. Zoning Clearance.
§ 8178-7.7.3. Zoning Clearance with inspection.
§ 8178-7.7.4. Planned Development Permit.
§ 8178- Zoning Clearance following approval of a Planned Development Permit.
§ 8178- Bird Nesting Survey.
§ 8178- In-lieu fee.
§ 8178- Contract for services.
§ 8178-7.7.5. Post-approval requirements.
§ 8178-7.7.6. Encroachment permit.
§ 8178-8. Water efficient landscaping requirements.
§ 8178-8.2. Applicability.
§ 8178-8.2.1. Exemptions.
§ 8178-8.3. Minimum landscape area.
§ 8178-8.4. Landscape area development standards.
§ 8178-8.4.1. General standards.
§ 8178- Existing vegetation.
§ 8178- Trees.
§ 8178- Street trees.
§ 8178- Shrubs.
§ 8178- Groundcover.
§ 8178- Turf (Grass).
§ 8178- Mulch.
§ 8178- Public safety.
§ 8178- Solar access.
§ 8178- Public art.
§ 8178-8.4.2. Specific standards.
§ 8178- Perimeter landscaping.
§ 8178- Landscape screening.
§ 8178- Landscaping in a Required Fuel Modification Zone.
§ 8178- Landscaping adjacent to an Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Area.
§ 8178- Slope planting and erosion control.
§ 8178- Revegetation of disturbed areas.
§ 8178- Stormwater management landscaping.
§ 8178- Parking lot landscaping.
§ 8178- Interior parking lot landscaping.
§ 8178- Acceptable substitutions for interior landscaping.
§ 8178- Model home landscaping.
§ 8178-8.5. Irrigation development standards.
§ 8178-8.5.1. Irrigation system standards.
§ 8178-8.5.2. Efficient water use.
§ 8178-8.5.3. Use of non-potable water.
§ 8178-8.6. Water budget and projected water use.
§ 8178-8.7. Authority to modify or waive landscaping requirements and standards.
§ 8178-8.7.1. Required findings to modify or waive landscaping requirements and standards.
§ 8178-8.7.2. Modification to a landscape documentation package.
§ 8178-8.8. Landscape documentation package.
§ 8178-8.9. Landscape documentation package approval and inspections.
§ 8178-8.9.1. Landscape documentation package approval.
§ 8178-8.9.2. Landscape inspections.
§ 8178-8.9.3. Landscape maintenance and monitoring.