§ 8178-2.4. Specific standards.  

Latest version.
  • The following specific standards shall apply to the types of habitats listed.


    Coastal Dunes. Activities leading to degradation, erosion or destruction of coastal dunes are not permitted. This includes, but is not limited to, use by off-road vehicles, sand mining, filling, or dumping.


    Tidepools and Beaches.


    Placement of any fill or dredged material along beach intertidal areas shall be carried out in consultation with the State Department of Fish and Game, in order to ensure that the timing and location of such activities does not disrupt the life cycles of intertidal or sandy beach species.


    An applicant for any coastal development, including shoreline protective devices, must show that the proposal will not cause long-term adverse impacts on beach or intertidal areas. Impacts include, but are not limited to, destruction of the rocky substrate, smothering of organisms, contamination from improperly treated wastewater or oil, and runoff from streets and parking areas. Findings to be made shall include proper wastewater disposal.


    Creek Corridors.


    All developments on land either in a stream or creek corridor or within one hundred (100) feet of such corridor (buffer area), shall be sited and designed to prevent impacts that would significantly degrade riparian habitats, and shall be compatible with the continuance of such habitats.


    Substantial alterations (channelizations, dams, etc.) to river, stream, or creek corridors are limited to: water supply projects necessary to agricultural operations or to serve developments permitted by the LCP Land Use Plan designations; flood control projects where no other method for protecting existing structures in the flood plain is feasible, and where such protection is necessary for public safety or to protect existing development; or developments where the primary function is the improvement of fish and wildlife habitat.


    Developments allowed per the above policies shall incorporate the best mitigation measures feasible.




    All developments on land either in a designated wetland, or within one hundred (100) feet of such designation, shall be sited and designed to prevent impacts that would significantly degrade the viability of the wetland. The purposes of such projects shall be limited to those in Section 30233(a) of the Coastal Act.


    Where any dike or fill development is permitted in wetlands, mitigation measures shall, at a minimum, include those listed in Section 30607.1 of the Coastal Act. Other reasonable measures shall also be required as determined by the County to carry out the provisions of Sections 30233((b) and (c)) of the Coastal Act.


    Habitat mitigation shall include, but not be limited to, timing of the project to avoid disruption of breeding and/or nesting of birds and fishes, minimal removal of native vegetation, reclamation or enhancement as specified in the California Coastal Commission "Interpretive Guidelines for Wetlands" and a plan for spoils consistent with subsection (d)(4). The Department of Fish and Game, as well as other appropriate agencies, shall be consulted as to appropriate mitigation measures.


    Dredge spoils should not be used for beach replenishment unless it can be shown that the process would not adversely impact coastal processes or habitats, such as intertidal reefs, grunion spawning grounds, or marsh. The California Department of Fish and Game, as well as other appropriate agencies, must be consulted when spoils deposition on a beach is under consideration.

(Ord. No. 4451, § 9, 12-11-2012)