§ 8178-3.2.3. Monitoring.  

Latest version.
  • a.

    Where earth-moving activities may impact important paleontological resources, a paleontological monitor must be present during earth-moving activities. After fifty (50) percent of excavations are complete in either an area or rock unit and no fossils of any kind have been discovered, the level of monitoring can be reduced or suspended entirely subject to written approval of the Planning Director where specifically allowed in the approved permit conditions.


    If fossil remains are found during earth moving activities, the earth moving activities must halt and the qualified paleontological consultant shall be notified to assess the site and determine further mitigation measures, as appropriate. The Planning Director shall review and approve additional mitigation as recommended where such measures are in substantial conformance with the approved permit. The permittee shall obtain the Planning Director's written concurrence of the approved recommendations before resuming earth moving activities. Where mitigation measures comprise additional development that is not substantially in conformance with the approved permit, a new permit or permit modification shall be required.

(Ord. No. 4492, § 6, 6-21-2016)