§ 8178-7.7.4. Planned Development Permit.  

Latest version.
  • A tree permit application shall be filed with the Planning Division in accordance with Section 8181-5 and signed by the applicant or authorized agent. A Planned Development Permit application shall include the following:


    Application. All items required for a Zoning Clearance permit application (see Section 8178-7.7.2 above, items a-e).


    Tree Transplantation Specifications. For protected trees proposed to be transplanted, the applicant shall submit a written evaluation by a qualified tree consultant that includes but is not limited to the location of roots, limits of disturbance, pre-removal treatments and care, and safety measures, to ensure the method used to transplant the affected tree will not cause the death of the tree.


    Tree Survey. A Tree Survey shall be submitted for the following: (1) If a protected tree is proposed to be removed or transplanted; (2) If construction or grading activities occur within a tree protected zone (see Section 8178-7.4.4); and (3) If new development requires alteration or removal of a protected tree or where any new development is proposed within a tree protected zone.

    If a tree survey is required, it shall be prepared by a qualified tree consultant and include the following:


    Contact Information. Names, phone numbers and addresses of the property owner, applicant, and project consultants, and the street address and Assessor Parcel Number (APN) of the project site.


    Background and Project Information. A description of the physical characteristics of the project site including topography, adjacent land uses, existing and proposed development, construction methods, timing and sequence of development activities, construction storage and staging areas, etc.


    Site Observations. A summary of the proposed survey method including but not limited to the date and time the survey was conducted, extent of any unpermitted protected tree alterations or removal (if applicable), the presence or absence of any nests, areas of potential sensitivity that may influence how the proposed tree removal or alteration would be conducted (e.g., butterfly roosting site, previous raptor nesting site, creeks and streams, wetlands or oak woodlands).


    An inventory and assessment of the health of all protected trees on the site.


    A Site Sketch or Plan, drawn to scale with north arrow and bar scale, that provides the following information:


    The identification of trees proposed to be altered or removed by the project, as well as the location and dimension of nearby development (buildings, other structures, access roads, utilities, etc.).


    Any proposed change in grade within the tree protected zone, shown at two (2) foot or less contour intervals.


    Identification of tree species, location, trunk size, and surveyed extent of tree canopy of all protected trees.


    Depiction of the tree protected zone for protected trees and identification of areas where proposed development encroaches into the tree protected zone.


    Identification of trees to be transplanted and location of receiving site.

    The information above may be provided separately or added to the Site Sketch or Plan submitted for the permit application.


    If necessary, additional information may be requested by the Planning Division to determine compliance with this Chapter.


    A Tree Protection, Planting, and Monitoring Plan. A Tree Protection, Planting, and Monitoring Plan shall be prepared in the event that a protected tree is approved for removal and replacement trees will be required or relocation of a protected tree. The Tree Protection, Planting, and Monitoring Plan shall be submitted prior to approval of the Planned Development Permit and shall include the following information:


    Recommendations for onsite or off-site mitigation measures.


    A requirement for a bird nesting survey to be conducted pursuant to Section 8178- no more than three (3) days prior to earth disturbing and/or construction activities unless such activities are conducted outside the bird nesting season (January 1 through September 15).


    Identification of the work area limits where tree alteration or removal will occur, including a requirement that prior to tree alteration or removal activities, flagging and stakes or construction fencing will be installed that define a boundary that contains all tree alteration or removal activities.


    Replacement Trees. The species and number of replacement trees to be planted as mitigation for the removal of protected trees.


    Replacement tree locations.


    Identification of protected trees to be transplanted and the receiving site.


    Planting specifications for transplanted and replacement trees.


    Tree Care. Recommendations for existing trees during construction including but not limited to pruning, irrigation, aeration, and mulching.


    A Monitoring Program pursuant to Section 8178-7.7.4.d. described above.


    Any other measures deemed necessary to protect, replace, or otherwise mitigate impacts associated with the proposed alteration or removal of protected trees.


    If necessary, additional information will be requested by the Planning Division to determine compliance with this Chapter.


    Any changes to an approved Tree Protection, Planting, and Monitoring Plan shall only be approved in accordance with Section 8181-10.4.2, Discretionary Modifications.


    Agricultural Commissioner Verification. If removal of one or more protected trees in a tree row presently serving commercial crop production is proposed, the Agricultural Commissioner shall verify in writing that the proposed action will not increase the potential for loss of agricultural soils due to increased wind erosion. If the Agricultural Commissioner determines the tree removal will result in the loss of agricultural soils, a Planned Development Permit pursuant to Section 8178-7.5.1 shall be required.


    Farm Plan. If a protected tree is removed for the purpose of expanding existing or the establishment of new crop production, a farm plan shall be prepared.


    Structure or Sewer Line Verifications.


    Structure. If a protected tree is proposed to be altered or removed because the tree interferes with an existing structure (e.g., a sidewalk or house foundation), then the applicant must submit written verification from a licensed structural engineer or licensed building contractor that the alteration of the tree(s) is necessary to avoid structural damage. Verification must be submitted, and must include the engineer or contractor's license number and contact information, the parcel address, and a brief description of the tree, its location, the nature of the interference or obstruction, and alternatives available to avoid tree removal or alteration.


    Private Sewer Line. If a protected tree is proposed to be altered or removed because a tree interferes with an existing sewer line, the necessity of the proposed action, and alternatives available to avoid tree removal or alteration must be verified by a qualified plumbing contractor, sewer service provider, or other qualified professional approved by the Planning Director.

(Ord. No. 4492, § 6, 6-21-2016)