§ 8178-8. Water efficient landscaping requirements.  

Latest version.
  • The purposes of the landscaping and screening requirements of Section 8178-8 are to:


    Provide Visual Relief and Integration. Landscaping enhances the aesthetic quality of the built environment, adding visual interest to blank facades, expanses of pavement, vehicular transportation corridors, and other potentially barren areas. Required landscaping also helps integrate large-scale buildings and other incompatible features into the surrounding community or natural setting.


    Screen undesirable public views and separate incompatible land uses. Landscaping reduces the impact of development by screening equipment, service and storage areas, glare, trash enclosures, parking areas, and other uses or features that visually detract from, or are incompatible with, surrounding development.


    Shade Buildings and Pavement. Landscaping provides shade for buildings and large areas of pavement, which reduces heat gain within buildings or atmospheric heating from paving. Landscaping helps create comfortable conditions where people live, work, park vehicles, walk, or use outdoor spaces.


    Support Public Health. Landscaping is used to define and enhance public and private recreational areas, and to enhance pathways used for pedestrian circulation. The availability of recreational areas and public trails contribute to overall public health.


    Retain and Treat Stormwater. Landscaping can provide stormwater retention and treatment when adequate site conditions are present.


    Support Ecosystem Functions. Landscaping can provide a plant palette that includes climate-appropriate native trees and plants characteristic of the diverse coastal areas of Ventura County and that provide habitat for wildlife.


    Stabilize Slopes and Control Erosion. Landscape plants can stabilize soils to limit erosion.


    Use Water Efficiently. New or updated landscaping helps minimize wasted water through water-efficient design.


    Implement the California Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance, set forth at Chapter 2.7 of Division 2 of Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations.

(Ord. No. 4492, § 6, 6-21-2016)