§ 8178- Trees.  

Latest version.
  • a.

    Trees required to be planted as a mitigation measure or as part of an approved landscape plan shall comply with the following standards:


    Native Trees. The planting of native trees shall comply with the planting specifications included in the Tree Protection, Planting and Monitoring Plan. (See Section 8178-7.7.2.)


    Non-Native Trees. The planting of new, non-native trees is subject to the following requirements:


    Non-native trees shall not be planted in ESHA or associated buffer;


    In the Coastal Open Space (COS) zone, the planting of new non-native trees shall be restricted to the approved building envelope only; and


    In the Coastal Industrial (CM) zone, non-native trees shall be restricted to developed areas for the purpose of screening approved structures.


    Replacement trees shall be planted immediately after grading activities are completed for site development or in accordance with the approved Tree Protection, Planting and Monitoring Plan.


    The planting of invasive trees is prohibited in the coastal zone.


    In the Coastal Open Space (COS) and Santa Monica Mountains (M) overlay zone, only native trees shall be used in the landscape area.


    Trees shall be planted wherever adequate space is available, except in the following circumstances:


    Non-native trees shall not be substituted for native trees when native trees are used to fulfill a mitigation measure for the development.


    New trees at maturity shall not extend into overhead utility lines.


    At least one (1) tree shall be planted in any required landscape planter. Additional trees shall be planted if adequate spacing between trees can be provided.


    Trees shall not be planted where they would generate substantial interference with the operation of approved lighting fixtures.


    Trees shall not be planted where they would interfere with site access driveways, access to fire suppression equipment such as hydrants.


    Trees shall not be located where the tree will interfere with public accessways, public access easements, or where they would otherwise interfere with coastal access.


    Trees shall not be planted closer than ten (10) feet from the rear of any traffic or directional sign and twenty-five (25) feet from the front of any traffic or directional sign. Trees shall be set back further from such signs if necessary for traffic safety.


    Trees located in parking lots shall be kept trimmed to maintain at least eight and one-half (8½) feet of ground clearance for adjacent parking spaces and pedestrian areas, and shall maintain at least thirteen and one-half (13½) feet of vertical ground clearance over driveways and drive aisles.


    The tree protection zone of a tree shall be kept free from other types of landscaping except as allowed by Section 8178-7.4.1


    Trees shall not be planted where the tree would reduce visibility within a clear sight triangle.

(Ord. No. 4492, § 6, 6-21-2016)