§ 8178- Acceptable substitutions for interior landscaping.  

Latest version.
  • If the applicant can demonstrate that compliance with interior landscaping requirements would result in the loss of required parking spaces, the interior landscaping requirement may be modified if the parking area includes acceptable substitutions for the required interior landscaping that would otherwise be provided. Acceptable substitutions for interior landscaping include the following:


    The use of a light-colored/high-albedo (minimum of 0.3) paving surface, or use of a pervious paving surface pursuant to Section 8176-5.9. Such surfaces may be substituted for landscaping at a rate of three (3) times the area required for landscaping.


    Installation of public art at the site pursuant to Section 8178-


    Shading in the form of canopies with solar photovoltaic or hot water systems, off-site trees and structures, sidewalk canopies, and other shade structures.

    Whenever feasible, substitutions shall not replace more than fifty (50) percent of the interior landscaping requirement, with priority given to planting shade trees.

(Ord. No. 4492, § 6, 6-21-2016)