§ 8178-8.8. Landscape documentation package.  

Latest version.
  • A landscape documentation package shall accompany the discretionary permit or permit modification application and shall include the following:


    Landscape Plan. If Section 8178-8 et seq., is applicable, a conceptual landscape plan shall be submitted as part of the development application and shall be reviewed by the Planning Division. See Appendix L1 for landscape plan requirements.


    Landscape plan specifications shall include performance standards for determining the following:


    The health and normal growth of plants/trees included in the landscape plan.


    Procedures for periodic monitoring.


    Corrective measures that should be used when the health of a plant or tree declines.


    Irrigation Plan. The irrigation plan shall be a separate document from, but use the same format as, the landscape plan. See Appendix L1 for minimum requirements for the irrigation plan.


    Water Efficient Landscape Worksheet. The applicant shall submit a Water Efficient Landscape Worksheet, provided by the Planning Division, which contains a Hydrozone Information Table and a Water Budget Calculation. See Appendix L3 Sample Water Efficient Landscape Worksheet.


    Water Budget Calculations. See Appendix L3 Water Efficient Landscape Worksheet.


    Estimated Total Water Use (ETWU). The ETWU calculation shall be based upon the types of plant material used in the landscape plan. See Appendix L4 for determining ETWU.


    Soils Report. To achieve optimum growth of groundcover, shrubs, and trees, the landscape documentation package shall include a soils report that indicates the nutrient status and pH of the soil in the landscape area. The soils report must be prepared by a California licensed engineer with experience in soils engineering.


    Ventura County Fire Protection District Construction Permit. Verification that installation of, or modification to, landscaping within the required fuel modification zone has been submitted for review and approval by the Ventura County Fire Protection District.


    One (1) set of colored photographs of the project site taken from the following three (3) vantage points: (1) close-up; (2) midfield; and (3) entire project site, relative to nearby vegetation, landmarks and structures. Color photo simulations showing proposed landscaping at maturity shall be required for projects which could have an adverse visual impact.


    Preparation and Signature of Landscape Documentation Package. If landscaping is required pursuant to Section 8178-8.2(a)(4), or a Grading or Drainage Plan for proposed development is required, the Landscape Documentation Package shall be prepared, stamped and signed by a licensed landscape architect and a Registered Civil Engineer.

(Ord. No. 4492, § 6, 6-21-2016)