Appendix 81002. Exemptions.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Mobile home park spaces rented for non-residential uses.


    Mobile home or trailer parks, the construction of which began after September 1, 1982; provided, however, that additional spaces created by the expansion of existing parks are not hereby exempted from the provisions of this Chapter. For the purposes of this Section, "construction" shall mean the erection of structures.


    Mobile home or trailer parks managed or operated by the United States Government, the State, or the County.


    Tenancies for which any Federal or State law or regulation specifically prohibits rent regulations.


    Tenancies covered by leases or contracts which provide for more than a twelve (12) month tenancy, but only for the duration of such lease or contract. Upon the expiration or other termination of any such lease or contract, this Chapter shall immediately be applicable to the tenancy.


    Parks which sell all spaces or lots for factory built or manufactured housing.


    Those spaces in a mobile home park which provides condominium ownership, provided the owner of the mobile dwelling unit is also the owner of the lot or space on which the mobile home dwelling unit is located.


    Those sections of existing parks which have an approved permit modification identifying a separate area with reduced size spaces specifically designated for travel trailers provided the modification was approved prior to the effective date of the ordinance from which this Chapter is derived.

(Ord. No. 4462, 5-6-2014)