Appendix 81007. Discretionary increases.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    A park owner may apply for a discretionary rent increase in cases where he contends that the facts and circumstances of this particular case warrant such an increase. A park owner shall submit with the Rent Schedule a request for such discretionary increase, together with supporting documentation, no less than seventy-five (75) days prior to the effective date of the proposed increase. The notice and proof of service requirements set forth below shall apply to such request. The park owner shall also deposit the appropriate processing fee listed in the current Board of Supervisors' adopted Planning Division Fee Schedule to cover costs of processing the request and conducting any hearing or meeting held to consider the request. Upon conclusion of such meeting or hearing, the balance of the deposited processing fee, if any, shall be refunded to the park owner. If additional expenses are incurred, the park owner shall be billed for, and shall be responsible for, payment of such additional expenses.


    The Board shall set a hearing on any request complying with the requirements of subdivision (a) above no sooner than ten (10) days and no late than seventy-five (75) days after receipt of the request and proof of service. The Board shall notify the park owner and tenants, in writing, of the time and place set for the hearing. No hearing or any part thereof may be continued beyond thirty (30) days after the initial hearing date without the park owner's consent. If the Board approves an increase as requested, or lower than requested, the same shall take effect as noticed by the park owner or as the Board may otherwise direct.


    Procedures. The park owner shall also deposit the appropriate processing fee listed in the current Board of Supervisors' adopted Planning Division Fee Schedule to cover costs of processing the proposed rent schedule and/or utility separation applications and conducting any hearing or meeting held to consider the proposed rent schedule. Upon conclusion of such meeting or hearing, the balance of the deposited processing fees, if any, shall be refunded to the park owner. If additional expenses are incurred, the park owner shall be billed for, and shall be responsible for, payment of such additional expenses.

    The park owner shall serve affected tenants, either personally or by mail, with written notice of the proposed increase, in accordance with State law, and with written notice that a request for approval of same is being filed with the Board. The park owner shall file proof of such service with the Board concurrent with the filing of the rent increase requests. Copies of the rent schedule, request for increase, and supporting documentation shall be available free of charge to any tenant requesting same at the park owner's office in the affected park.

(Ord. No. 4462, 5-6-2014)