Appendix 81010. Standards of review.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    In evaluating a rent increase proposed under Section 81007 by the park owner, the Board shall consider, along with all relevant factors, changes in costs to the park owner attributable to increases or decreases in master land and/or facilities lease rent, utility rates, property taxes, insurance, advertising, variable mortgage interest rates, governmental assessments and fees, incidental services, employee costs, normal repair and maintenance, and other considerations including, but not limited to, capital improvements, upgrading and addition of amenities or services, net operating income, and the level of rent necessary to permit a just and reasonable return on the park owner's property.


    The Board shall adopt guidelines for discretionary rent increases which will assure a just and reasonable return to park owners of parks subject to this Chapter. Said guidelines shall include, but not be limited to, those items listed in subsection (a), in addition to procedures for determining eligibility for discretionary rent increases and evaluating such increases.

(Ord. No. 4462, 5-6-2014)