Appendix 81014. Other retaliation.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    It shall be unlawful for a landlord to retaliate against a tenant or tenants for organizing, petitioning government for rent relief, providing public testimony at a hearing, or exercising any right granted under this Chapter.


    It shall also be unlawful for a landlord to engage in any form of harassment that causes the tenants to quit the premises.


    In an action by or against a tenant, evidence of the assertion or exercise by the tenant of rights under this Chapter or other activity in furtherance of tenant's rights and organizations within three (3) months of the alleged act of retaliation shall create a presumption affecting the burden of producing evidence that the park owner's conduct was in retaliation for the tenant's assertion or exercise of rights under this Chapter.

(Ord. No. 4462, 5-6-2014)