§ 8110-3. Exempted signs.  

Latest version.
  • Except as otherwise specified in this Article and subject to regulations locating signs with reference to street intersections, freeways, scenic highways and primary roads, the following signs shall be exempt from the requirements of this Article:


    Governmental signs providing general information to the public, and for control of traffic or similar regulatory purposes, including street signs, danger signs and warnings at railroad crossings;


    Memorial tablets or signs, including those indicating names of buildings and dates of construction, when cut into any masonry surface or inlaid so as to be part of the building, or when constructed of bronze or similar noncombustible material;


    Signs required to be maintained by law or governmental order, rule or regulation, with a total surface area not exceeding ten square feet on any lot; or street address numbers with a total surface area not exceeding two square feet;


    Signs which are not visible beyond either the boundaries of the lot on which they are located, or from any public right-of-way, or from any parking area, or circulation area open to the general public;


    Flags or seals of the United States of America or the State of California, or emblems of a civic, philanthropic, educational or religious organization, when such emblems do not exceed four square feet in area and, if freestanding, five feet in height, and such flags or emblems are not used in connection with a commercial promotion or as an advertising device;


    Parking area or other private traffic directional signs not exceeding four (4) square feet in area per sign. Each lot is permitted one such sign per entrance to the lot or premises, to direct pedestrian or vehicular traffic on the same property;


    Signs placed by a public utility, conveying information on the location of facilities in the furtherance of service or safety;


    Freestanding on-site real estate signs 12 square feet or less in area, having a maximum panel length or height of eight feet (excluding real estate tract signs);


    Temporary construction signs, provided that:


    Only one sign is erected per construction site;


    The sign does not exceed six square feet in open space, agricultural and R-zones, or twenty-four (24) square feet in all other zones;


    The sign is used only to indicate the name of the construction project and the names and locations (state and city or community only) of the contractors, architects, engineers, landscape designers, project or leasing agent, and/or financing company;


    The sign is displayed during construction only; and


    The sign does not exceed six feet in height if freestanding;


    On-site real estate "for sale" or "for lease" signs pertaining to the property displayed within a window, subject to Section 8110-6.13. Only one such sign is allowed on each street frontage of the property;


    Temporary "open house" signs. Only one such sign is allowed on each street frontage of the property on which the open house is being held. Such sign may be single- or double-faced and is limited to a maximum of three square feet in area and four feet in height. Such signs shall contain only the address of the property where the open house is being held and the name of the real estate agent or party holding the open house. Such signs shall be erected and removed on the same day the open house is held and shall not be fastened or attached in any way to a building facade or architectural element;


    Signs or banners announcing the opening of a new business which, in the aggregate, do not exceed ten square feet or 25 percent of the window area, whichever is greater. Such signs may be erected for a maximum of 60 days during the opening of the new business;


    Other signs, including political and "no trespassing" signs, having noncommercial messages and not exceeding two square feet in area on any lot;


    Individual window signs not exceeding ten square feet in area that are consistent with the provisions of Sec. 8110-6.13.

    (Am. Ord. 3730—5/7/85; Am. Ord. 3810—5/5/87; Am. Ord. 4123—9/17/96)

(Ord. No. 4407, § 7, 10-20-2009)